A collection of tools to help manage taxes
Queries/commands that keep track of how much tax is owed during a tax year. Can be invoked on the command line or over HTTP
What's my dividend? An Apple Shortcut that tells you the value of a dividend payment required to leave a given amount after tax
Monzo Tax collector - A Monzo webhook which automatically collects tax in a pot when a payment is made - WIP
Calculates the gross payment required to leave a given net amount after tax
amount: Number, up to 2 dp. should represent the amount in Pounds
GET /gross-up?amount={amount}
Request: GET /gross-up?amount=500.10
Response: 540.66
node scripts/gross-up-payment.js {amount}
Set gross earnings for the current tax year
amount: Number, up to 2 dp. should represent the amount in Pounds
node scripts/set-earnings.js {amount}
Deduct tax on a payment made into your Monzo account:
- Calculates tax and moves it to a pot
- Adds the payment to your earnings
A transaction will progress through several steps until it is fully processed. The steps are documented here: /src/lib/monzo/transaction-log.js#L39
It can only be fully processed once.
It's possible to see a log of all processed transactions using the get processed payments command
transactionId: Monzo transaction ID for the payment
node scripts/process-payment.js {transactionId}
See a log of all processed transactions for the current tax year
node scripts/get-processed-payments.js
Adds an amount to your earnings for the current tax year. Returns the tax due
amount: Number, up to 2 dp. should represent the amount in Pounds
node scripts/record-payment.js {amount}
Use the script monzo-login
to log in to Monzo and save the access token to S3