This is a lighter version of the bGeigie Mini which is meant to fit in a Pelican Micro Case 1010.
This work would not exist without the original development by [bidouilles] ( and contributions of other [safecast] ( developers.
- bGeigieNanoKit can be bought online from Mecom
- Fio: 0.045mA sleep, 6mA at run time
- OpenLog: 2mA idle, 6mA at maximum recording rate
- Adafruit Ultimate GPS: 25mA acquisition, 20mA tracking
- Monochrome OLED 128x32 0.91": 4mA 50% turn-on, 7.8mA 100% turn-on
The total current used at run time can be estimated around 36mA (= 6+6+20+4) per second which will result in a consumption of 0.01mAh (= 36mA/3600). So the total log duration if using a battery of 1300mAh will be (1300/.01)/3600 = 36.11 = 36h06m
Battery capacity (mAh) | Estimated log duration (days hh:mm) |
1300 | 1d 12:06 |
2600 | 3d 00:13 |
6600 | 7d 15:19 |
export ARDUINODIR=/home/geigie/arduino-1.0.1/
export SERIALDEV=/dev/ttyUSB0
export BOARD=fio
cp -r libraries /home/geigie/arduino-1.0.1/
make upload
You can use directly the prebuilt image to flash the Arduino Fio. Here is an example with Arduino Fio connected to ttyUSB0:
/usr/bin/avrdude -DV -p atmega328p -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -c arduino -b 57600 -U flash:w:bGeigieNano.hex:i
Or Windows Users can download a small program called Xloader and can directly flash a HEX file to the bGiegieNano (assuming you have a FDTI connection. Can be bought at many places like Adafruit, Seeedstudio, Switch-science etc.
Once powered on the bGeigieNano will initiliaze a new log file on the SD card, setup the GPS and start counting the CPM.
# format=1.0.0nano
The OpenLog should start listening at 9600bps and in Command mode. Here is the content of the CONFIG.TXT file you have to create on the microSD card:
To make sure all of the NMEA sentences can be received correctly, we will need to update the _SS_MAX_RX_BUFF definition from arduino-1.0.1/libraries/SoftwareSerial/SoftwareSerial.h header file. Here is the modification:
//#define _SS_MAX_RX_BUFF 64 // RX buffer size -- Old Value is 64
#define _SS_MAX_RX_BUFF 128 // RX buffer size for TinyGPS
- InterruptHandler and bGeigieMini code - Copyright (c) 2011, Robin Scheibler aka FakuFaku
- TinyGPS - Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Mikal Hart
- bGeigieNano - Copyright (c) 2012, Lionel Bergeret
- Makefile - Copyright (c) 2012, Tim Marston