A curated list of awesome Cisco DNA Center frameworks, libraries, sdk, sample codes and resources.
(Inspired by sindresorhus/awesome).
See full list of Code Samples on Cisco DevNet CodeExchange
- Postman Collection
- Postman collection and environment for Cisco DNA Center
- DNAC-Top5
- Simple scripts to get started with Cisco DNA Center API.
- Cisco DevNet Learning Labs: DNAv3 Sample Code
- Part of Cisco DevNet Express Track
- usecases_sample_code
- This repository has examples for different use cases using Cisco DNA Center APIs. All of the examples have a functions file that uses the python requests library and some also show how to achieve the same outcome with the Cisco DNA Center Python SDK
- dnacentersdk
- Cisco DNA Center Python SDK
- dnacenter-go-sdk
- Cisco DNA Center SDK for Go Programmaing Language
- Cisco.DnaCenter.Api
- Right-click on the project and click "Manage Nuget packages"
- DNAC-Python-Wrapper
- A python wrapper for easily accessing a Cisco DNA Center cluster
- dnacenter
- A Golang wrapper for the Cisco DNA Center API
- Cisco DNA Center AURA (Audit & Upgrade Readiness)
- The Cisco DNA Center AURA (Audit & Upgrade Readiness) command line tool performs a variety of health, scale & upgrade readiness checks for the DNA Center and the rest of the Fabric network.
- cisco-dnac-scrt-session
- Cisco DNAC Session Generator for SecureCRT
- DNAC-onboarding-tools
- Cisco DNA Center PnP-BulkConfig app allows uploading of "predefined" rules to onboard network devices.
- DNAC-ClaimAP-Mobile-App
- DNACenter ClaimDevices mobile app to claim Day-0 or DNA-C supported Plug-n-Play(PnP) devices and provision it.
- Workflow automation for Access Points PnP Provisioning using DNA Center and ServiceNow
- dnac_pnp
- Cisco DNA Center Plug and Play Automation Engine
- ansible-dnac
- Ansible Collection for automating operations using Cisco DNA Center
- ansible-dnac-modules
- These modules provide declarative and idempotent access to configure the design elements of Cisco's DNA Center....
- ansible-dnac-inventory-plugin
- DNA Center Inventory Plugin allows you to utilize the network discovery...
- dnac_site_settings_example
- Sample use case for using the Ansible wwt.ansible_dnac collection created for Cisco Automation Exchange.
- An application to automatically apply SGACLs created in Cisco DNA Center and ISE to ASAs using Ansible
- ansible-dnac
- terraform-provider-dnacenter
- The Cisco DNA Center provider is used to interact with Cisco DNA Center APIs. The provider needs to be configured with the proper credentials before it can be used.
- terraform-provider-dnacenter
- DNAC-TemplateProgrammer
- These scripts demonstrate the template programmer API on Cisco DNA Center. The scripts assume the templates have been setup on Cisco DNA center in advance.
- DNAC-TemplateTool
- A tool for backing up and restoring templates
- Automate-Creation-of-DNAC-template-to-enable-packet-capture-on-IOS-XE
- A python script to automate the packet capture on IOS-XE, create a pcap file and copy it to local machine using secure copy.
- vtlcli-docker
- Docker wrapper for VTL template development
- dnacenter_configuration_templates
- This repo includes all the functions required to create a new Cisco DNA Center Project, new CLI template, commit and deploy the CLI template to a device
- DNAC-DNS-Automation
- Automatically update device management from IP to DNS
- Examples of Templates used in DNA Center with Velocity Scripting, Variables, and Composite Approaches
- DNAC-TemplateProgrammer
- This repository contains a few simple scripts to get started with Cisco DNAC Application Hosting API.
- ciscodnacapphosting Python SDK for Cisco DNA Center Application Hosting API
- Automate Site Creation and Automation and Device assignment using Cisco DNA Center APIs
- A framework for building automated workflows for Cisco DNA Center
- Backup your Cisco Network Devices Configuration on S3 Storage
- This repo includes sample code to prevent the configuration of new IP addresses that may create IP address conflicts. It will use Cisco DNA Center REST APIs.
- This repo contain a few Python scripts to help you quickly stand up DNAC Center basic configurations.
- This repo includes code for a Webex Teams bot that will allow Vlan to access port assignment using configuration templates. The code automated template creating, project creation, network-profile creation and site assignment as well as template deployment. It can easily be modified to perform other actions on interfaces.
- Cisco DNA Center Backup Tool (as a CLI tool)
- Export Prime Infrastructure device inventory and import it into DNA Center inventory
- Compliance checker for devices in DNA Center and Cisco ISE
- Cisco DNA Center Device List, Device Config, and Network Health (Usually used when using Cisco DNA Center for Monitoring)
- A tool designed to manage the configuration of devices connected to Cisco DNA Center
- Cisco Software Designed Access Digger tool, a tool to aid in troubleshooting SDA Fabrics
- Cisco-DNA-Center-with-Cisco-PSIRT-API-integration
- The purpose of this application is to generate a CSV file containing all the vulnerabilities that affect the devices that are part of a Cisco DNA Center managed network.
- vault
- Securing your API authentication keys with Vault
- NOC dashboard based on TIG (telegraf/influx/grafana)
- webhook_receiver
- Webhook receiver for Cisco DNA Center, SD-WAN. It will send Notifications to Cisco Webex Teams
- cisco-dnac-platform-webex-notifications
- Receive Events from Cisco DNA Center and push the information to Cisco Webex Teams
- dnacenter_webhook_receiver
- Sample code for a Cisco DNA Center Webhook Receiver
- DNAC_aiohttp_client
- Use aiohttp async client to call APIs of cisco DNAC, runs as "telegraf" for influxdb
- dnacenter_path_trace
- Sample code for performing a path trace between two nodes in the Cisco DNA Center managed network
- AWS-Serverless-Architecture-based-Cisco-DNA-Demo-Platform
- AWS Serverless Architecture based Cisco DNA Demo Platform
- dnacenter_proximity_app
- Cisco DNA Center Client Proximity API and Event Notifications may be used for pandemic use cases.
- cisco-dnac-show-diff-stats
- Cisco DNA Center - show difference counter in real-time
- DNACenterInventoryWebexIntegration
- Updating Inventory using DNA-C with Chatbot Notification bot
- dnacenter_splunk_add_on_app
- This repo includes a simple Splunk Add-On app that will collect device inventory and overall network health data from Cisco DNA Center.
- ciscodnacnetbox
- Cisco DNA Center Integration with NetBox
- ciscodnacnautobot
- Cisco DNA Center Integration with Nautbot
- dnac-InterfacePortSpeedReport
- Cisco DNA Center - Interfaces Speed (custom) Report
- DNAC-Monitoring-App
- DNAC Monitoring App extends the basic features of DNA-C. This App help collect information about devices and manage network issues.
- dnacenter_device_report
- Sample script to generate a Cisco DNA Center managed devices report
- dnacenter_reports_operations
- Cisco DNA Center report operations - create and run a new client detail report, receive the webhooks status notifications and download the report when completed.
- business_ready
- A Python CLI that uses pyATS to transform Cisco CLI Commands into various Business Ready Documents
- Cisco DNA Center
- Cisco DevNet
- Blogs
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.
- Robert Csapo (@robertcsapo)
- Oren Brigg (@orenbrigg)