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Nuclear network for hydrodynamical simulations. Specially suited for Type Ia SN simulations. It includes 89 nuclear species + electrons.
Electron/positron captures are included only on free protons/neutrons. Temperature is coupled and solved jointly with the nuclear species with an implicit scheme.

Network architecture

Compilation and usage

We provide a makefile that compiles net90 and testnuclear.f90, along with all needed EOS. testnuclear.f90 calls net90 iteratively and mimicking different user-defined scenarios. This is equivalent to the calls to net90 that a hydrodynamic code will do on a single fluid element. The objective of testnuclear.f90 is just to show how net90 should be called and perform toy scenarios. If the objective is to use net90 coupled with a hydrodynamics code, only the folder src/ is needed. To compile simply do make and this will generate an executable runnet90. Only a fortran compiler is needed. Our makefile assumes that gfortran is available.

Calling net90

Only abundance-related magnitudes need to be imported from the main code:
(D) Double precision, (I) Integer, (L) Logical

USE nuclear90_module, only:niso,ye,a,z
  • niso (I): nuclear species (=89)
  • ye (D): electron abundance
  • a[1:niso] (D): array of atomic mass of each species
  • z[1:niso] (D): array of atomic number of each species

Then, to call net90:

call net90(tempin,xin,rho,delta,screen,ecapture,tabulated,cv,val1,val2,dUedYein,theta,&
         & tempout,xout,sumtot,nucenergy,k_iter)


  • tempin (D): temperature
  • xin (D): mass fractions
  • rho (D): density (g/cm^3) of the current time-step
  • delta (D): time-step in seconds
  • screen (L): Activates/deactivates the screening corrections to the rates
  • ecapture (L): Activates/deactivates e-/e+ reactions
  • tabulated (L): (T) e-/e+ rates interpolating on a table; (F) e-/e+ rates analytically
  • cv (D): heat capacity (from EOS)
  • val1 (D): (dp/dTemp)*(deltarho/rho**2)
  • val2 (D): (dp/dTemp)*(deltarho/rho**2)*Temp
  • dUedYein (D): dUe/dYe (from EOS)
  • theta (D): Chooses between explicit (0), implicit (1), or mixed. Recommended value is 0.7d0


  • tempout (D): temperature
  • xout (D): mass fractions
  • sumtot (D): total mass fraction (=1 if conserved)
  • nucenergy (D): total nuclear energy generation rate (erg/s)
  • k_iter (I): Total number of Newton-Raphson iterations performed

Description of for toy scenarios

  • Mass fractions of each species (D)
  • Initial_temp (D): initial temperature in K
  • Initial_dens (D): initial density in g/cm^3
  • Screening (L): Activates/deactivates the screening corrections
  • Adiabatic_exp (L): (T) an adiabatic expansion follows after NSE; (F) the process is isochoric
  • Isotherm_test (L): (T) temperature is kept constant via an artificially high cv; (F) temperature is updated by net90
  • electron_capt (L): Activates/deactivates e-/e+ reactions
  • tabul_rates (L): (T) e-/e+ rates interpolating on a table; (F) e-/e+ rates analytically
  • Theta (D): Chooses between explicit (0), implicit (1), or mixed. Default value is 0.7d0
  • type_eos (I): Selects the EOS. (1) relativistic electrons (Nadyozhin 1974), ions (Bravo & Garcia-Senz 1992), and radiation; (2) helmholtz EOS (Cox & Giuli chapter 24; Timmes & Swesty ApJ 1999)

Nuclear species included

Corresponding index in the mass fraction array

index Element index Element index Element index Element index Element
1 p 21 26Al 41 39Ca 61 46V 81 59Zn
2 n 22 26Mg 42 37Ar 62 46Ti 82 57Ni
3 4He 23 29P 43 39K 63 49Mn 83 59Cu
4 12C 24 32S 44 38Ca 64 52Fe 84 58Zn
5 16O 25 31S 45 38K 65 51Fe 85 58Cu
6 20Ne 26 29Si 46 38Ar 66 49Cr 86 58Ni
7 21Na 27 31P 47 41Sc 67 51Mn 87 57Co
8 24Mg 28 30S 48 44Ti 68 50Fe 88 59Co
9 23Mg 29 30P 49 43Ti 69 50Mn 89 13N
10 21Ne 30 30Si 50 41Ca 70 50Cr
11 23Na 31 33Cl 51 43Sc 71 53Co
12 22Mg 32 36Ar 52 42Ti 72 56Ni
13 22Na 33 35Ar 53 42Sc 73 55Ni
14 22Ne 34 33S 54 42Ca 74 53Fe
15 25Al 35 35Cl 55 45V 75 55Co
16 28Si 36 34Ar 56 48Cr 76 54Ni
17 27Si 37 34Cl 57 47Cr 77 54Co
18 25Mg 38 34S 58 45Ti 78 54Fe
19 27Al 39 37K 59 47V 79 57Cu
20 26Si 40 40Ca 60 46Cr 80 60Zn

Corresponding index in the reaction rate arrays

index Reaction index Reaction index Reaction index Reaction
1 12C(12C,a)20Ne 1 46 37K(n,g)38K 91 23Na(p,g)24Mg 136 52Fe(a,g)56Ni
2 12C(16O,a)24Mg 47 37Ar(n,g)38Ar 92 25Mg(p,g)26Al 137 56Ni(a,g)60Zn
3 16O(16O,a)28Si 2 48 40Ca(p,g)41Sc 93 26Al(p,g)27Si 138 20Ne(a,n)23Mg
4 - 49 43Ti(n,g)44Ti 94 26Mg(p,g)27Al 139 24Mg(a,n)27Si
5 a(2a,g)12C 3 50 42Ti(n,g)43Ti 95 27Al(p,g)28Si 140 28Si(a,n)31S
6 12C(a,g)16O 51 40Ca(n,g)41Ca 96 29Si(p,g)30P 141 32S(a,n)35Ar
7 16O(a,g)20Ne 52 42Sc(n,g)43Sc 97 30P(p,g)31S 142 36Ar(a,n)39Ca
8 20Ne(p,g)21Na 53 41Sc(p,g)42Ti 98 30Si(p,g)31P 143 40Ca(a,n)43Ti
9 23Mg(n,g)24Mg 54 41Sc(n,g)42Sc 99 31P(p,g)32S 144 44Ti(a,n)47Cr
10 22Mg(n,g)23Mg 55 41Ca(n,g)42Ca 100 33S(p,g)34Cl 145 48Cr(a,n)51Fe
11 20Ne(n,g)21Ne 56 44Ti(p,g)45V 101 34Cl(p,g)35Ar 146 52Fe(a,n)55Ni
12 22Na(n,g)23Na 57 47Cr(n,g)48Cr 102 34S(p,g)35Cl 147 56Ni(a,n)59Zn
13 21Na(p,g)22Mg 58 46Cr(n,g)47Cr 103 35Cl(p,g)36Ar 148 20Ne(a,p)23Na
14 21Na(n,g)22Na 59 44Ti(n,g)45Ti 104 37Ar(p,g)38K 149 24Mg(a,p)27Al
15 21Ne(n,g)22Ne 60 46V(n,g)47V 105 38K(p,g)39Ca 150 28Si(a,p)31P
16 24Mg(p,g)25Al 61 45V(p,g)46Cr 106 38Ar(p,g)39K 151 32S(a,p)35Cl
17 27Si(n,g)28Si 62 45V(n,g)46V 107 39K(p,g)40Ca 152 36Ar(a,p)39K
18 26Si(n,g)27Si 63 45Ti(n,g)46Ti 108 41Ca(p,g)42Sc 153 40ca(a,p)43Sc
19 24Mg(n,g)25Mg 64 48Cr(p,g)49Mn 109 42Sc(p,g)43Ti 154 44Ti(a,p)47V
20 26Al(n,g)27Al 65 51Fe(n,g)52Fe 110 42Ca(p,g)43Sc 155 48Cr(a,p)51Mn
21 25Al(p,g)26Si 66 50Fe(n,g)51Fe 111 43Sc(p,g)44Ti 156 52Fe(a,p)55Co
22 25Al(n,g)26Al 67 48Cr(n,g)49Cr 112 45Ti(p,g)46V 157 56Ni(a,p)59Cu
23 25Mg(n,g)26Mg 68 50Mn(n,g)51Mn 113 46V(p,g)47Cr 158 54Fe(a,p)57Co
24 28Si(p,g)29P 69 49Mn(p,g)50Fe 114 46Ti(p,g)47V 159 57Co(n,g)58Co
25 31S(n,g)32S 70 49Mn(n,g)50Mn 115 47V(p,g)48Cr 160 12C(p,g)13N
26 30S(n,g)31S 71 49Cr(n,g)50Cr 116 49Cr(p,g)50Mn 161 13N(a,p)16O
27 28Si(n,g)29Si 72 52Fe(p,g)53Co 117 50Mn(p,g)51Fe - p(e-,nu)n 4
28 30P(n,g)31P 73 55Ni(n,g)56Ni 118 50Cr(p,g)51Mn - n(e+,anu)p 4
29 29P(p,g)30S 74 54Ni(n,g)55Ni 119 51Mn(p,g)52Fe
30 29P(n,g)30P 75 52Fe(n,g)53Fe 120 53Fe(p,g)54Co
31 29Si(n,g)30Si 76 54Co(n,g)55Co 121 54Co(p,g)55Ni
32 32S(p,g)33Cl 77 53Co(p,g)54Ni 122 54Fe(p,g)55Co
33 35Ar(n,g)36Ar 78 53Co(n,g)54Co 123 55Co(p,g)56Ni
34 34Ar(n,g)35Ar 79 53Fe(n,g)54Fe 124 57Ni(p,g)58Cu
35 32S(n,g)33S 80 56Ni(p,g)57Cu 125 58Cu(p,g)59Zn
36 34Cl(n,g)35Cl 81 59Zn(n,g)60Zn 126 58Ni(p,g)59Cu
37 33Cl(p,g)34Ar 82 58Zn(n,g)59Zn 127 59Cu(p,g)60Zn
38 33Cl(n,g)34Cl 83 56Ni(n,g)57Ni 128 20Ne(a,g)24Mg
39 33S(n,g)34S 84 58Cu(n,g)59Cu 129 24Mg(a,g)28Si
40 36Ar(p,g)37K 85 57Cu(p,g)58Zn 130 28Si(a,g)32S
41 39Ca(n,g)40Ca 86 57Cu(n,g)58Cu 131 32S(a,g)36Ar
42 38Ca(n,g)39Ca 87 57Ni(n,g)58Ni 132 36Ar(a,g)40ca
43 36Ar(n,g)37Ar 88 21Ne(p,g)22Na 133 40ca(a,g)44Ti
44 38K(n,g)39K 89 22Na(p,g)23Mg 134 44Ti(a,g)48Cr
45 37K(p,g)38Ca 90 22Ne(p,g)23Na 135 48Cr(a,g)52Fe


Authors (in alphabetical order)

Ruben M. Cabezon: (sciCORE) University of Basel
Domingo Garcia-Senz: Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Axel Sanz: Polytechnic University of Catalonia


  1. This reaction is split into two branches: 50% 12C(12C,a)20Ne, 50% 12C(12C,p)23Na

  2. This reaction is split into two branches: 40% 16O(16O,a)28Si, 60% 16O(16O,p)31P

  3. The triple alpha reaction is calculated in two steps via 8Be

  4. electron and positron reactions are stored independently, hence they don't have an associated index 2


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