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rishabhjain committed Apr 22, 2014
1 parent 0f996b1 commit e57d116
Showing 1 changed file with 76 additions and 7 deletions.
83 changes: 76 additions & 7 deletions main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,84 @@
import Codec.Picture
import System.Cmd (system)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import System.Random

toBinaryImage :: Either String DynamicImage -> Image PixelYA8
toBinaryImage = pixelMap (\x -> if x > 128 then PixelYA8 255 100 else PixelYA8 0 100) . extractPixel . extractImage where
toBinaryImage :: Either String DynamicImage -> Image Pixel8
toBinaryImage = pixelMap (\x -> if x > 128 then 255 else 0) . extractPixel . extractImage where
extractImage x = let (Right w) = x in w
extractPixel x = let (ImageY8 w) = x in w

convertToGS imageName = system $ "convert " ++ imageName ++ " -resize 200x200 -gravity Center -extent 200x200 -colorspace Gray " ++ "gs_" ++ imageName -- ImageMagick

main :: IO ()
main = do
imageName <- getArgs
system $ "convert " ++ head imageName ++ " -resize 600x600 -gravity Center -extent 600x600 -colorspace Gray " ++ "gs_" ++ head imageName -- ImageMagick
gsImage <- readImage $ "gs_" ++ head imageName
system $ "rm " ++ "gs_" ++ head imageName
writePng ("binary" ++ takeWhile (/= '.') (head imageName) ++ ".png") $ toBinaryImage gsImage
x <- getArgs
z <- mapM_ convertToGS x >> mapM (readImage . ("gs_" ++)) x
system "rm gs_*"
let [ firstImage, secondImage, message ] = map toBinaryImage z
let (generatedFirstImage, generatedSecondImage) = getBothImages $ generateFinalImages firstImage secondImage message
writePng "first.png" generatedFirstImage
writePng "second.png" generatedSecondImage

data SuperPixel = S {a :: PixelYA8, b :: PixelYA8, c :: PixelYA8, d :: PixelYA8}

data BinaryPixel = N | W | B deriving (Eq, Show)

type Constraint = Int

fillPixels :: ([BinaryPixel], StdGen) -> Constraint -> Constraint -> ([BinaryPixel], StdGen) -- White Constraint then Black constraint
fillPixels (x, g) 0 0 = (x,g)
fillPixels (x, g) 0 _ = (map (\s -> if s == N then B else s) x, g)
fillPixels (x, g) _ 0 = (map (\s -> if s == N then W else s) x, g) -- True -> Black
fillPixels (x, g) y z = let (p, newg) = random g in if p then fillPixels (change x B, newg) y (z-1) else fillPixels (change x W, newg) (y-1) z

change :: [BinaryPixel] -> BinaryPixel -> [BinaryPixel]
change (N:y) z = z:y
change (x:y) z = x : change y z

makeSuperP :: [(BinaryPixel ,BinaryPixel)] -> SuperPixel
makeSuperP (x:y:z:t:[]) = S (uncurry PixelYA8 $ convert x) (uncurry PixelYA8 $ convert y) (uncurry PixelYA8 $ convert z) (uncurry PixelYA8 $ convert t) where
convert (B,W) = (0, 255)
convert (B,B) = (0,0)
convert (W,W) = (255,255)
convert (W,B) = (255,0)

black :: StdGen -> ([BinaryPixel], StdGen)
black g = fillPixels (replicate 4 N, g) 1 3

white :: StdGen -> ([BinaryPixel], StdGen)
white g = fillPixels (replicate 4 N, g) 2 2

condition :: BinaryPixel -> BinaryPixel -> BinaryPixel -> BinaryPixel
condition f s x = if x == f then s else N

generateRandomSuperPixel :: StdGen -> Pixel8 -> Pixel8 -> Pixel8 -> SuperPixel
generateRandomSuperPixel g x y z = case (x, y, z) of
(0 ,0 , 0) -> let (bPixel, newG) = black g in let (sBPixel, _) = fillPixels (map (condition W B) bPixel,newG) 1 2 in makeSuperP $ zip bPixel sBPixel
(0 ,0 ,255) -> let (bPixel, _) = black g in makeSuperP $ zip bPixel bPixel
(255,255,255) -> let (wPixel, _) = white g in makeSuperP $ zip wPixel wPixel
(255,255,0 ) -> let (wPixel, _) = white g in makeSuperP $ zip wPixel $ map (\v -> if v == B then W else B) wPixel
(0 ,255,0 ) -> let (bPixel, newG) = black g in let (wPixel, _) = fillPixels (map (condition W B) bPixel, newG) 2 1 in makeSuperP $ zip bPixel wPixel
(0 ,255,255) -> let (bPixel, newG) = black g in let (wPixel, _) = fillPixels (map (condition W W) bPixel, newG) 1 2 in makeSuperP $ zip bPixel wPixel
(255,0 ,255) -> let (wPixel, newG) = white g in let (bPixel, _) = fillPixels (map (condition B B) wPixel, newG) 1 1 in makeSuperP $ zip wPixel bPixel
(255,0 ,0 ) -> let (wPixel, newG) = white g in let (bPixel, _) = fillPixels (map (condition W B) wPixel, newG) 1 1 in makeSuperP $ zip wPixel bPixel

generateFinalImages :: Image Pixel8 -> Image Pixel8 -> Image Pixel8 -> Image PixelYA8
generateFinalImages x@(Image w h _) y z = generateImage f (2*w) (2*h) where

superPixelMap :: M.Map (Int, Int) SuperPixel
superPixelMap = M.fromList [((i, j), generateRandomSuperPixel (mkStdGen $ i+j) (pixelAt x i j) (pixelAt y i j) (pixelAt z i j)) | i <- [0..w-1], j <- [0..h-1]]

f :: Int -> Int -> PixelYA8
f m n | even m && even n = a pixels
| odd m && even n = b pixels
| even m && odd n = c pixels
| otherwise = d pixels where pixels = superPixelMap M.! (div m 2 , div n 2)

getBothImages :: Image PixelYA8 -> (Image PixelYA8, Image PixelYA8)
getBothImages x = (firstImage, secondImage) where
firstImage = pixelMap (\(PixelYA8 m n) -> PixelYA8 m $ alpha m) x
secondImage = pixelMap (\(PixelYA8 m n) -> PixelYA8 n $ alpha n) x
alpha x = if x == 255 then 0 else 255

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