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Data APIs for Apache Cassandra

Easy to use APIs for accessing data stored in Apache Cassandra.

These APIs can be used as a standalone server using either Docker or manually running a server. They can also be embedded in existing applications using HTTP routes.

Currently, this project provides GraphQL APIs. Other API types are possible in the future.

Getting Started


docker pull datastaxlabs/cassandra-data-apis
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e DATA_API_HOSTS=<cassandra_hosts_here> datastaxlabs/cassandra-data-apis

You can also manually build the docker image and/or the server using the instructions below.

Running in the background

You can start the container in detached mode by using -d and --rm flags.

docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 -e DATA_API_HOSTS=<cassandra_hosts_here> datastaxlabs/cassandra-data-apis

Running on macOS or Windows for development purposes

When using Docker for Desktop, if your Cassandra instance is listening on the loopback address, you can use host.docker.internal name which resolves to the internal IP address used by the host.

docker run -p 8080:8080 -e DATA_API_HOSTS=host.docker.internal datastaxlabs/cassandra-data-apis

Using GraphQL

By default, a GraphQL endpoint is started and will generate a GraphQL schema per keyspace. You need at least one user-defined keyspace in your database to get started.

Use the GraphQL documentation for getting started.


Configuration for Docker can be done using either environment variables, a mounted configuration file, or both.

Add additional configuration using environment variables by adding them to the docker run command.

docker run -e DATA_API_HOSTS= -e DATA_API_KEYSPACE=example ...

Using a configuration file

To use a configuration file, create a file with the following contents:

  # Change to your cluster's hosts
# keyspace: example
# username: cassandra
# password: cassandra

# See the "Settings" section for additional configuration

Then start docker with:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -v "${PWD}/<your_config_file>.yaml:/root/config.yaml" datastaxlabs/cassandra-data-apis


Name Type Env. Variable Description
hosts strings DATA_API_HOSTS Hosts for connecting to the database
keyspace string DATA_API_KEYSPACE Only allow access to a single keyspace
excluded-keyspaces strings DATA_API_EXCLUDED_KEYSPACES Keyspaces to exclude from the endpoint
username string DATA_API_USERNAME Connect with database user
password string DATA_API_PASSWORD Database user's password
operations strings DATA_API_OPERATIONS A list of supported schema management operations. See below. (default "TableCreate, KeyspaceCreate")
request-logging bool DATA_API_REQUEST_LOGGING Enable request logging
schema-update-interval duration DATA_API_SCHEMA_UPDATE_INTERVAL Interval in seconds used to update the graphql schema (default 10s)
ssl-enabled bool DATA_API_SSL_ENABLED Enable SSL (client-to-node encryption)?
ssl-ca-cert-path string DATA_API_SSL_CA_CERT_PATH SSL CA certificate path
ssl-client-cert-path string DATA_API_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_PATH SSL client certificate path
ssl-client-key-path string DATA_API_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_PATH SSL client private key path
ssl-host-verification string DATA_API_SSL_HOST_VERIFICATION Verify the peer certificate? It is highly insecure to disable host verification (default true)
start-graphql bool DATA_API_START_GRAPHQL Start the GraphQL endpoint (default true)
graphql-path string DATA_API_GRAPHQL_PATH GraphQL endpoint path (default "/graphql")
graphql-port int DATA_API_GRAPHQL_PORT GraphQL endpoint port (default 8080)
graphql-schema-path string DATA_API_GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_PATH GraphQL schema management path (default "/graphql-schema")

Configuration Types

The strings type expects a comma-delimited list e.g.,, when using environment variables or a command flag, and it expects an array type when using a configuration file.


  - ""
  - ""
  - ""


  "hosts": ["", "", ""]

Schema Management Operations

Operation Allows
TableCreate Creation of tables
TableDrop Removal of tables
TableAlterAdd Add new table columns
TableAlterDrop Remove table columns
KeyspaceCreate Creation of keyspaces
KeyspaceDrop Removal of keyspaces



The API endpoint does not currently support HTTPS natively, but it can be handled by a gateway or reverse proxy. More information about protecting the API endpoint can be found in this documentation.

Client-to-node Encryption

By default, traffic between the API endpoints and the database servers is not encrypted. To secure this traffic you will need to generate SSL certificates and enable SSL on the database servers. More information about enabling SSL (client-to-node encryption) on the database servers can be found in this documentation. After SSL is enabled on the database servers use the ssl-enabled option, along with ssl-ca-cert-path to enable secure connections. ssl-ca-cert-path is a path to the chain of certificates used to generate the database server's certificates. The certificate chain is used by API endpoints to verify the database server's certificates. The ssl-client-cert-path and ssl-client-key-path options are not required, but can be use to provide client-side certificates that are used by the database servers to authenticate and verify the API servers, this is known as mutual authentication.


This section is mostly for developers. Pre-built docker image recommended.

Building the Docker Image

cd <path_to_data-apis>/cassandra-data-apis
docker build -t cassandra-data-apis .

Run locally with single node, local Cassandra cluster

cd <path_to_data-apis>/cassandra-data-apis
docker build -t cassandra-data-apis .

# On Linux (with a cluster started on the docker bridge:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e "DATA_API_HOSTS=" cassandra-data-apis

# With a cluster bound to
docker run --network host -e "DATA_API_HOSTS=" cassandra-data-apis

# On macOS (with a cluster bound to
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e "DATA_API_HOSTS=host.docker.internal" cassandra-data-apis

These host values can also be used in the configuration file approach used in the previous section.

Build and run as a standalone webserver

If you want to run this module as a standalone webserver, use:

# Define the keyspace you want to use
# Start the webserver
go build run.exe && ./run.exe --hosts --keyspace store

Your settings can be persisted using a configuration file:

keyspace: store
  - TableCreate
  - KeyspaceCreate
port: 8080
schema-update-interval: 30s

To start the server using a configuration file, use:

./run.exe --config <your_config_file>.yaml

Settings can also be overridden using environment variables prefixed with DATA_API_:

DATA_API_HOSTS= DATA_API_KEYSPACE=store ./run.exe --config <your_config_file>.yaml

Plugin the routes within your HTTP request router


go get

Using the API

To add the routes to your existing HTTP request router, use:

cfg := endpoint.NewEndpointConfig("", "")
// Setup config here using your env variables
endpoint, err := cfg.NewEndpoint()
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("unable create new endpoint: %s", err)
keyspace := "store"
routes, err = endpoint.RoutesKeyspaceGraphQL("/graphql", keyspace)
// Setup routes on your http router


© DataStax, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.