- Customise
- Extend
- Administer
- Automate
- Count the workdays between now and due date.
- Use the resolved or closed date rather than now if the issue is resolved or closed.
Project level:
- Configure project users roles
Issue level: Grant the users and groups with different permissions.
- IssueEditors
- IssueBrowsers
- IssueCommenters
- GroupEditors
- GroupBrowsers
- GroupCommenters
- Extend: If the users and groups should be configured automatically, some scripts would be added when some events occur.
Field level:
- Configure screen with editable fields
- Associate screen with issue type
- Change issue type when issue is transited to different status
- Extend: If some fields should be in issue detail page while should not be edited, the corresponding scripted fields would be added.
- Install ScriptRunner from Marketplace
- Script console
- Type code directly, e.g. def issue = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager().getIssueObject("DEMO-1")
- Call script file, e.g. com/jext/hello/Hello.groovy
- Build in scripts, e.g. Sample admin
- Listeners, e.g. Sample listener
- Script fields, e.g. Sample field
Sample code, com.jext.hello
- Hello.groovy
- Field.groovy
- Event.groovy
- Service.groovy
- Workflow.groovy
- Api.groovy
- UI.groovy
Build-in script, com.onresolve.scriptrunner.canned
- common.admin (test and init)
- jira.fields
- jira.workflow.listeners (events)
Jext core
- core (helper)
- field
- service
- util
- Install JDK8
- Install Atlassian SDK
- Install IntelliJ IDEA
- Install maven
- Download source code
- Update maven repo: settings.xml
- mvn jira:debug
- http://localhost:8080/jira, admin/admin
- Debug with IDEA
- Add configuration: remote, port: 5005
- Set log, e.g. D:\work\scriptrunner-samples\jira\target\jira\home\log\atlassian-jira.log