API retrieves token from enlighten and queries the local envoy for production stats
To run loccaly perform the following steps
- Create Python virtual environment and install the requirements in it.
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir
- Set variables:
export ENLIGHTEN_USERNAME=<enlighten-username>
export ENLIGHTEN_PASSWORD=<enlighten-password>
export ENVOY_SERIAL=<envoy-serial>
export ENVOY_SITE=<envoy-siteId>
export ENVOY_HOST=<envoy-host-or-ip>
- Run the code:
cd src
uvicorn api:app --reload
You can also run from a devcontainer
- Start the devContainer.
- Set variables:
export ENLIGHTEN_USERNAME=<enlighten-username>
export ENLIGHTEN_PASSWORD=<enlighten-password>
export ENVOY_SERIAL=<envoy-serial>
export ENVOY_SITE=<envoy-siteId>
export ENVOY_HOST=<envoy-host-or-ip>
- Run the code from a terminal in the container.
cd src
uvicorn api:app --reload --host: