Cucumber Documentation for use in TSSC
How will it work.
Cucumber will be run as part of the pipeline.
Good resource for writing cucumber tests:
In step "Run Automated UAT Testing" In both continuous merge request deployment and continuous deployment
CI Container needs to have maven installed (yum -y install maven)
Command to initialize cucumber project with maven:
mvn archetype:generate
Creates a directory called hellocucumber. Change this name to whatever your project name is.
cd to hellocucumber or project_name
"mvn test" to run tests (none currently created)
Now we need to create cucumber tests for behavior driven design. Ideally tests are written before the code itself.
Feature files are stored in src/test/resources/hellocucumber
Create feature file with format:
Feature: This is a feature Note on feature Given an initial condition When a question about the condition is asked Then I should be told "this answer" needs to fill in the logic for evaluating these feature files
@Given, @When, and @Then annotations are used to link the feature steps from the scenario with the method in the step definition
public class StepDefinitions {
private String value; private String expectedAnswer; private String actualAnswer;
@Given("an initial condition) public void an_initial_condition(String initialCondition) { // Do something to set the initial condition value = initialCondition; }
@When("a question about the condition is asked") public void question_about_condition) { // Do something to evaluate the question as input against the initial condition actualAnswer = SomeClass.staticMethod(value); }
@Then("this answer should be provided) public void i_should_be_told(String expectedAnswer) { // Compare the expected answer ("this answer") with the answer provided by the logic in question_about_condition assertEquals(expectedAnswer, actualAnswer);
Running cucumber acceptance tests in a jenkins/argocd/tekton pipeline:
Still currently working on figuring this out.