This code contains the EASIER/GIGADUCK detector simulation. It contains the following folders:
- data/: several types of data including calibration data, spectra
- utils/: (utility functions) (constant needed for the simulation and path)
- classes/: classes needed for the simulation of a radio trace
- calib/: folder with the codes to find the electronics parameters for the power detector and the easier board
- results/: where the calibration results are kept
- test/: test funtions
- analysis/: more complicated functions (to be completed)
analysis/ : perfoms the simulation of a waveform according the detector type and method to simulate the power detector.
(refer to the detector simulation note for details about the simulation method)
python simwf gi 2 (runs thes simulation for the GI antenna with the method 2 )
python ../data/testenvelope.txt (runs thes simulation for the norsat antenna with the method 3 and power envelope defined in ../data/testenvelope.txt)
to use the code, you need to change the paths that are in /utils/