All changes are toggleable via the config file.
- Block Fire: Prevents fire projectiles burning entities when blocking with shields
- Block Overlay: Fixes x-ray when standing in non-suffocating blocks
- Boat Riding Offset Fix: Fixes entities glitching through the bottom of boats
- Comparator Timing: Fixes inconsistent delays of comparators to prevent redstone timing issues
- Death Time: Fixes corrupted entities exceeding the allowed death time
- Destroy Entity Packets: Fixes lag caused by dead entities by sending additional packets when the player is not alive
- Dimension Change Player States: Fixes missing player states when changing dimensions by sending additional packets
- Disconnect Dupe: Fixes item dupes when players are dropping items and disconnecting
- Entity Bounding Boxes: Saves entity bounding boxes to tags to prevent breakouts and suffocation
- Entity Desync: Fixes entity motion desyncs most notable with arrows and thrown items
- Entity NaN: Prevents corruption of entities caused by invalid health or damage values
- Entity Suffocation: Pushes entities out of blocks when growing up to prevent suffocation
- Entity Tracker: Fixes entity tracker to prevent client-sided desyncs when teleporting or changing dimensions
- Entity UUID: Changes UUIDs of loaded entities in case their UUIDs are already assigned (and removes log spam)
- Exhaustion: Fixes saturation depleting in peaceful mode
- Faster Background Startup: Fixes slow background startup edge case caused by checking tooltips during the loading process
- Frustum Culling: Fixes invisible chunks in edge cases (small enclosed rooms at chunk borders)
- Help: Replaces the help command, sorts and reports broken commands
- Hopper Bounding Box: Slims down the hopper bounding box for easier access of nearby blocks
- Item Frame Void: Prevents voiding held items when right + left-clicking on an item frame simultaneously
- Ladder Flying Slowdown: Disables climbing movement when flying
- Locale: Prevents various crashes with Turkish locale
- Max Health: Saves increased player health to tags
- Mining Glitch: Avoids the need for multiple mining attempts by sending additional movement packets
- Piston Progress: Properly saves the last state of pistons to tags
- Skeleton Aim: Fixes skeletons not looking at their targets when strafing
- Tile Entity Update Order: Keeps the order of tile entities on chunk load
- Villager Mantle: Returns missing hoods to villager mantles
- AI Improvements: Replaces/removes entity AI for improved server performance
- Attributes Uncap: Virtually uncaps entity attributes
- Auto Jump Replacement: Replaces auto jump with an increased step height
- Auto Switch Tools: Switches the selected hotbar slot to a proper tool if required
- Bed Obstruction Replacement: Replaces bed obstruction checks with an improved version
- Better Burning
- Fixes some edge cases where fire damage sources won't cause mobs to drop their cooked items
- Allows skeletons to shoot flaming arrows when on fire (30% chance * regional difficulty)
- If entities have fire resistance, they get extinguished right away when on fire
- Allows fire to spread from entity to entity (30% chance * regional difficulty)
- Prevents the fire animation overlay from being displayed when the player is immune to fire
- Better Harvest: Prevents breaking lower parts of sugar cane and cacti as well as unripe crops, unless sneaking
- Better Ignition: Enables ignition of entities by right-clicking instead of awkwardly lighting the block under them
- Block Placement Click Delay: Sets the delay in ticks between placing blocks
- Bow Infinity Remedy: Bows enchanted with Infinity no longer require arrows
- Chunk Gen Limit: Limits maximum chunk generation per tick for improved server performance
- Crafting Cache: Adds an IRecipe cache to improve recipe performance in large modpacks
- Creeper Confetti: Replaces deadly creeper explosions with delightful confetti
- Damage Tilt: Restores feature to tilt the camera when damaged
- Dimension Unload: Unloads dimensions not in use to free up resources
- Disable Animated Models: Improves model load times by removing Forge's animated models
- Disable Audio Debug: Improves loading times by removing debug code for missing sounds and subtitles
- Easy Breeding: Enables easy breeding of animals by tossing food on the ground
- Fast Dye Blending: Replaces color lookup for sheep to check a predefined table rather than querying the recipe registry
- Fast Leaf Decay: Makes leaves decay faster when trees are chopped
- Fast Prefix Checking: Optimizes Forge's ID prefix checking and removes prefix warnings impacting load time
- Fence/Wall Jump: Allows the player to jump over fences and walls
- Finite Water: Prevents creation of infinite water sources outside of ocean and river biomes
- Hardcore Buckets: Prevents placing of liquid source blocks in the world
- Horizontal Collision Damage: Applies horizontal collision damage to the player akin to elytra collision
- Husk & Stray Spawning: Lets husks and strays spawn underground like regular zombies and skeletons
- Infinite Music: Lets background music play continuously without delays
- Item Entity Combination: Stops combination of item entities if their maximum stack size is reached
- Linear XP Amount: Sets the amount of XP needed for each level, effectively removing the increasing level scaling
- Load Sounds: Plays sounds when the game or the world are loaded
- Mending Overpowered: If mending fix is enabled, repairs entire damaged inventory with XP
- Mending: Only repairs damaged equipment with XP
- Mob Despawn Improvement: Mobs carrying picked up items will drop their equipment and despawn properly
- No Attack Cooldown: Disables the 1.9 combat update attack cooldown
- No Lightning Flash: Disables the flashing of skybox and ground brightness on lightning strikes
- No Night Vision Flash: Disables the flashing effect when the night vision potion effect is about to run out
- No Potion Shift: Disables the inventory shift when potion effects are active
- No Redstone Lighting: Disables lighting of active redstone, repeaters, and comparators to improve performance
- No Saddled Wandering: Stops horses wandering around when saddled
- Offhand Improvement: Prevents placing offhand blocks when blocks or food are held in the mainhand
- Plantables: Configurable growth height for sugar cane and cacti
- Player Speed: Configurable player fly and walk speed
- Remove Realms Button: Removes the redundant Minecraft Realms button from the main menu
- Remove Recipe Book: Removes the recipe book button from GUIs
- Skip Credits: Skips the credits screen after the player goes through the end podium portal
- Smooth Scrolling: Adds smooth scrolling to every in-game list
- Super Hot Torch: Enables one-time ignition of entities by hitting them with a torch
- Stronghold Replacement: Replaces stronghold generation with a safer variant
- Swing Through Grass: Allows hitting entities through grass instead of breaking it
- Tidy Chunk: Tidies newly generated chunks by removing scattered item entities
- Toggle Cheats Button: Adds a button to the pause menu to toggle cheats
- Uncap FPS: Removes the hardcoded 30 FPS limit in screens like the main menu
- Water Fall Damage: Re-implements an improved version of pre-1.4 fall damage in water
- XP Bottle Amount: Sets the amount of experience spawned by bottles o' enchanting
Mod Tweaks:
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Hot Spring Water: Fixes rapid inflection of regeneration effects in hot spring water
- Epic Siege Mod
- Disable Digger AI Debug: Disables leftover debug logging inside the digger AI of the beta builds
- Mo' Creatures
- Custom Modded Biomes: Adds support for modded biome spawns via config
- Storage Drawers
- Render Range: Approximate range in blocks at which drawers render contained items
- Thaumcraft
- Firebat Particles: Adds particles to firebats similar to legacy versions
- Stable Thaumometer: Stops the thaumometer from bobbing rapidly when using it to scan objects
- Wisp Particles: Increases particle size of wisps similar to legacy versions
- Tinkers' Construct
- Gaseous Fluids: Excludes gaseous fluids from being transferable via faucets
- Offhand Shuriken: Suppresses special abilities of long swords and rapiers when shurikens are wielded in the offhand
- Projectile Despawning: Despawns unbreakable projectiles faster to improve framerates