This is a Renoise Tools API add-on for the LuaLS Language Server.
LuaLS provides various features for Lua in code editors, such as autocompletion, type hovers, dynamic type checking, diagnostics and more via LuaCATS annotations.
A pretty online API reference book based on this definition and general guide to scripting development in Renoise can be read here: Renoise Scripting Development Book
The scripting development book, latest API definition and example tools, can be downloaded as a "scripting starter pack" bundle file from the XRNX Repository.
The API definitions is usable as is is now, but still a work in progress. Please report bugs or improvements as issues here and/or create a merge request.
__eq, __lt, __le meta methods can't be annotated via LuaLS at the moment. They are specified in
### operators
as plain comments and should be converted as soon as LuaLS supports them. -
__index meta methods currently can't be annotated via LuaLS.
They are currently mentioned as @operator index, but won't be picked up by the language server and should be converted as soon as LuaLS supports them. -
Return types for main class constructors (
etc.) should be specified as an instance to allow the LSP to warn when trying to access non-constant properties on the classes themselves (likerenoise.Song.selected_track
). -
The LuaLS type system allows setting non-existent properties for constructor tables, which then causes runtime crash (for example
vb:text { margin = 100 }
), using (exact) for@class
annotations doesn't help.
To use the definition in e.g. vscode, first install the sumneko.lua vscode extension as described here:
Then clone or download a copy of this repository, and configure your workspace to use the Renoise definition files:
In your project's /.vscode/settings.json
file, add:
"Lua.workspace.library": ["PATH/TO/RENOISE_DEFINITION_FOLDER"],
"Lua.runtime.plugin": "PATH/TO/RENOISE_DEFINITION_FOLDER/plugin.lua"
Note: The Lua.runtime.plugin
setting only is needed in order to automatically annotate the custom class
See the XRNX Development in the Renoise Scripting Book for more detailed information on how to install and use the definitions in vscode and other editors.
Contributions are welcome!
Please report issues here or fork the latest git repository and create a feature or bugfix branch.