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Gradle plugin for generate schema or DDL scripts from JPA entities using JPA 2.1 schema generator. for Maven, see Maven Plugin.

Currently support EclipseLink (Reference Implementation) and Hibernate.

Before Announce...


Sometimes (most times exactly :P) JPA will generate weird scripts so you SHOULD modify them properly.

Announce 0.2

Finally, I got some times, and 0.2 is here.

  • Support generate without persistence.xml (like spring-data, spring-boot, ...) related #14
  • Add support DataNucleus
  • Changed default version of implementations.
    • Eclipselink: 2.6.1
    • Hibernate: 5.0.7.Final
    • DataNucleus: 4.2.3
  • Added properties property.
  • Removed properties namingStrategy and dialect cause Hibernate 4.x to 5.x is cataclysm. please use properties instead.

On 0.2.x, plugin required

DataNucleus support is very very limited, and should so many buggy.

How-to Use

Put this to your build.gradle

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'io.github.divinespear:jpa-schema-gradle-plugin:+'
        // jdbc drivers also here

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'jpa-schema-generate' // or 'io.github.divinespear.jpa-schema-generate'

sourceSets {
    main {
    	// set output to same directories
    	// jpa implementations always scan classes using classpath that found persistence.xml
        output.resourcesDir = output.classesDir

generateSchema {
	// default options
	// see SchemaGenerationConfig to all options
	// if you want multiple output
	targets {
		targetName {
			// same as default options

To generate schema, run

gradle generateSchema


./gradlew generateSchema

see also test cases Generate*Spec.groovy, as examples.

change version of implementations

You can change version using configurations on buildscript, like:

buildscript {
    configurations.all {
        resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
            if ( == 'org.hibernate') {
                details.useVersion '4.3.11.Final'

It should useful if you using Hibernate with Spring Framework, because Spring Framework not officially support Hibernate 5.x yet.

without persistence.xml

You MUST specify two options: vendor and packageToScan.

generateSchema {
    vendor = 'hibernate' // 'eclipselink', 'hibernate', or 'datanucleus'.
                         // you can use class name too. (like 'org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider')
    packageToScan = [ '', ... ]

For Scala

You MUST put scala-library to dependencies of buildscript.

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.scala-lang:scala-library:${your_scala_version}"

For Hibernate

Hibernate DOES NOT SUPPORT @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE) for DBMS dosen't support CREATE/DROP SEQUENCE. WTF?! You should use @GeneratedValue instead.

For EclipseLink with Oracle

EclipseLink's Oracle{8,9,10,11}Platform uses some type classes from Oracle's JDBC driver. you should have it in your dependency.

For DataNucleus

DataNucleus DOES NOT SUPPORT generate DDL without database connection.


Here is full list of parameters of generateSchema.

name type description
skip boolean skip schema generation

default value is false.

format boolean generate as formatted

default value is false.

scanTestClasses boolean scan test classes

default value is false.

persistenceXml string location of persistence.xml file

Note: Hibernate DOES NOT SUPPORT custom location. (SchemaExport support it, but JPA 2.1 schema generator does NOT.)

default value is META-INF/persistence.xml.

persistenceUnitName string unit name of persistence.xml

default value is default.

databaseAction string schema generation action for database

support value is one of

  • none
  • create
  • drop
  • drop-and-create
  • create-or-extend-tables (only for EclipseLink with database target)

default value is none.

scriptAction string schema generation action for script

support value is one of

  • none
  • create
  • drop
  • drop-and-create

default value is none.

outputDirectory file output directory for generated ddl scripts

REQUIRED for scriptAction is one of create, drop, or drop-and-create.

default value is ${project.buildDir}/generated-schema.

createOutputFileName string generated create script name

REQUIRED for scriptAction is one of create, or drop-and-create.

default value is {targetName}-create.sql if targetName presented, otherwise create.sql.

dropOutputFileName string generated drop script name

REQUIRED for scriptAction is one of drop, or drop-and-create.

default value is {targetName}-drop.sql if targetName presented, otherwise drop.sql.

createSourceMode string specifies whether the creation of database artifacts is to occur on the basis of the object/relational mappingmetadata, DDL script, or a combination of the two.

support value is one of

  • metadata
  • script
  • metadata-then-script
  • script-then-metadata

default value is metadata.

createSourceFile string create source file path.

REQUIRED for createSourceMode is one of script, metadata-then-script, orscript-then-metadata.

dropSourceMode string specifies whether the dropping of database artifacts is to occur on the basis of the object/relational mappingmetadata, DDL script, or a combination of the two.

support value is one of

  • metadata
  • script
  • metadata-then-script
  • script-then-metadata

default value is metadata.

dropSourceFile file drop source file path.

REQUIRED for dropSourceMode is one of script, metadata-then-script, orscript-then-metadata.

jdbcDriver string jdbc driver class name

default is declared class name in persistence xml.

and Remember, No Russian you MUST configure jdbc driver to dependencies.

jdbcUrl string jdbc connection url

default is declared connection url in persistence xml.

jdbcUser string jdbc connection username

default is declared username in persistence xml.

jdbcPassword string jdbc connection password

default is declared password in persistence xml.

If your account has no password (especially local file-base, like Apache Derby, H2, etc...), it can be omitted.

databaseProductName string database product name for emulate database connection. this should useful for script-only action.
  • specified if scripts are to be generated by the persistence provider and a connection to the target databaseis not supplied.
  • The value of this property should be the value returned for the target database by DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductName()
databaseMajorVersion int database major version for emulate database connection. this should useful for script-only action.
  • specified if sufficient database version information is not included from DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductName()
  • The value of this property should be the value returned for the target database by DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseMajorVersion()
databaseMinorVersion int database minor version for emulate database connection. this should useful for script-only action.
  • specified if sufficient database version information is not included from DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductName()
  • The value of this property should be the value returned for the target database by DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseMinorVersion()
lineSeparator string line separator for generated schema file.

support value is one of CRLF (windows default), LF (*nix, max osx), and CR (classic mac), in case-insensitive.

default value is system property line.separator. if JVM cannot detect line.separator, then use LF by git core.autocrlf handling.

properties java.util.Map JPA vendor specific properties.
vendor string JPA vendor name or class name of vendor's PersistenceProvider implemention.

vendor name is one of

  • eclipselink(or org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider)
  • hibernate (or org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider)
  • datanucleus (or org.datanucleus.api.jpa.PersistenceProviderImpl)

REQUIRED for project without persistence.xml

packageToScan java.util.List list of package name for scan entity classes

REQUIRED for project without persistence.xml

How-to config properties

It's just groovy map, so you can config like this:

generateSchema {
    // global properties
    properties = [
        'hibernate.dialect': 'org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect',
    // you can set target-specific too.

Database Product Names

It's about databaseProductName property. If not listed below, will work as basic standard SQL.

for EclipseLink

databaseMajorVersion and databaseMinorVersion is not required.

  • Oracle12 = Oracle 12c
  • Oracle11 = Oracle 11g
  • Oracle10: Oracle 10g
  • Oracle9: Oracle 9i
  • Oracle: Oracle with default compatibility
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • DB2
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Anywhere
  • Sybase SQL Server
  • Adaptive Server Enterprise = Sybase
  • Pointbase
  • Informix Dynamic Server
  • Firebird
  • ingres
  • Apache Derby
  • H2
  • HSQL Database Engine

for Hibernate

Some products uses different dialect by databaseMajorVersion and/or databaseMinorVersion. You can override using hibernate.dialect property.

    • org.hibernate.dialect.CUBRIDDialect = all version
  • HSQL Database Engine
    • org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect = all version
  • H2
    • org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect = all version
  • MySQL
    • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect = 5.x
    • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect = 4.x or below
    • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLMyISAMDialect
    • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect
    • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect
    • org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL57InnoDBDialect
  • PostgreSQL
    • org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL94Dialect = 9.4 or above
    • org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL92Dialect = 9.2 or above
    • org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL9Dialect = 9.x
    • org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL82Dialect = 8.2 or above
    • org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL81Dialect = 8.1 or below
  • Apache Derby
    • org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyTenSevenDialect = 10.7 or above
    • org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyTenSixDialect = 10.6
    • org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyTenFiveDialect = 10.5
    • org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect = 10.4 or below
  • ingres
    • org.hibernate.dialect.Ingres10Dialect = 10.x
    • org.hibernate.dialect.Ingres9Dialect = 9.2 or above
    • org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect = 9.1 or below
  • Microsoft SQL Server
    • org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2012Dialect = 11.x
    • org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2008Dialect = 10.x
    • org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2005Dialect = 9.x
    • org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect = 8.x or below
  • Sybase SQL Server
    • org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseASE15Dialect = all version
    • org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseASE17Dialect
  • Adaptive Server Enterprise = Sybase
  • Adaptive Server Anywhere
    • org.hibernate.dialect.SybaseAnywhereDialect = all version
  • Informix Dynamic Server
    • org.hibernate.dialect.InformixDialect = all version
  • DB2 UDB for AS/390
    • org.hibernate.dialect.DB2390Dialect
  • DB2 UDB for AS/400
    • org.hibernate.dialect.DB2400Dialect = all version
  • start with DB2/
    • org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect = all version
  • Oracle
    • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle12cDialect = 12.x
    • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect = 11.x, 10.x
    • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9iDialect = 9.x
    • org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle8iDialect = 8.x or below
  • Firebird
    • org.hibernate.dialect.FirebirdDialect = all version


Source Copyright © 2013 Sin-young "Divinespear" Kang. Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


Gradle plugin for generate database schema or DDL scripts from JPA entities







No packages published


  • Groovy 93.0%
  • Java 7.0%