Flan API is an api that pulls data generated from CloudFlare's Flan Scan Flan Scan vulnerability scanner. This API will take a static file or a HTTP endpoint that contains a list of IPs/Hostnames and then gathers data from a flan scan located in s3, zips each ip/hostname together with the discovered apps and vulnerabilities and returns that data for consumption by Dog Park.
This API uses flask, UWSGI, and nginx.
- linux 4.x+ (Ubuntu 16.04+ tested)
- web server (nginx tested)
- python3, pip3
sudo mkdir ${APP_DESTINATION}/flan_api/
cd ${APP_DESTINATION}/flan_api/
git clone <flan_api repo>
sudo ./setup_flan_api.sh
A json file needs to be created, used to configure run time variables:
"url": "http://hostname:port/host_ips.txt",
"file: "host_ips.txt",
"s3_bucket" : "flan-scans"
url OR file: Specifices how host_ips.txt is accessed, either by local file OR URL request.
s3_bucket: This is the bucket that flan has been configured to output to.
host_ips.txt: A text file with a list of IPs and hostnames, each line: "$IP $FullyQualifiedDomainName"
There is one line per IP, so if a host has multiple IPs, there will be duplicate FQDNs.
Hosts are filtered by the Environment variable "-$DOG_ENV-" (set in systemd service config).
example: DOG_ENV=qa, so flan_api only uses servers containing '-qa-' in their name. server-qa-01.domain.com server-qa-01.domain.com
Description=uWSGI instance to serve flan_api
ExecStart=/opt/flan_api/flan_api_venv/bin/uwsgi --ini flan_scan_api.ini
- Protect with an authentication proxy: oauth2-proxy
- Configure your web server to proxy /api to dog_trainer at http://localhost:7070/api/
- Create a directory /opt/flan_api
- If you do not want to configure flan with dog, you can add the following to disable it:
echo "[]" > /opt/flan/flan_api/flan_ips
- If you do want it configured, the flan_api nginx config is listed below:
example nginx config:
location /flan_api/ {
auth_request /oauth2/auth;
error_page 401 = /oauth2/sign_in;
# pass information via X-User and X-Email headers to backend,
# requires running with --set-xauthrequest flag
auth_request_set $user $upstream_http_x_auth_request_user;
auth_request_set $email $upstream_http_x_auth_request_email;
proxy_set_header X-User $user;
proxy_set_header X-Email $email;
# if you enabled --cookie-refresh, this is needed for it to work with auth_request
auth_request_set $auth_cookie $upstream_http_set_cookie;
add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie;
uwsgi_pass unix:///opt/flan_api/flan_scan_api.sock;
include uwsgi_params;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Real-Port $remote_port;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
sudo systemctl start flan_api.service