Hi 👋, I'm Zhang, Zepeng (redraiment)
{:name {:first "Zepeng"
:last "Zhang"}
:email "[email protected]"
:bio "A Full Stack Engineer Passionate about Cutting-Edge Technologies."
:favorites [:AI :Compiler :Database :DataAnalysis :WebApplication
:Kotlin :Java :Clojure :Python :TypeScript :JavaScript :C
:Vert.x :SpringBoot :React :TailwindCSS
:Linux :FreeBSD :PostgreSQL :Emacs]}
🔭 Looking forward to connecting with you and creating something amazing together!
Quote by Richard P. Feynman: "What I cannot create, I do not understand."
Hence, I reinvented many wheels.
- brainfuck: A learning project focused on practicing compiler and interpreter construction using LLVM C API, flex, bison, and more.
- basic: A BASIC Programming Language Interpreter implemented in ANSI C.
- SmallC: my undergraduate graduation project, featuring a programming language with built-in concurrency support.
- Linsp: A minimal Lisp interpreter in Lisp, inspired by The Roots of Lisp.
- clop: A programming language currently under design.
- jssp: A templating system embedding JVM scripting language into text documents, similar to JSP, PHP, ASP, and other server-side scripting languages.
- pure-frame: A data-driven, functional, and reactive JavaScript framework for modern web apps, utilizing React and inspired by re-frame.
- zeta: An open-source software development toolkit in Clojure.
- Java on Rails: A Java MVC framework inspired by Ruby on Rails (RoR), featuring:
- jactiverecord: ORM module implementing the ActiveRecord pattern in Java.
- jactiverecord-el: JSP expression language (EL) for jActiveRecord, providing Record & Table field accessors.
- jactioncontroller: Controller module.
- jactionview: View module.
- PinkRaiment: A PHP MVC framework inspired by RoR.
- phpActiveRecord: ActiveRecord implementation in PHP, similar to jActiveRecord.
- edbc: Emacs-Lisp-based data access technology inspired by JDBC.
- emacs-cgi: Using Emacs Lisp for CGI scripting.
- eml: Emacs-lisp Markup Language - converting S-expressions to XML.
- wechat.el: A framework for developing WeChat games in Emacs Lisp.
- pg_jieba: MacOS Compatibility Improvements for pg_jieba.
- SciKit Learn for PolarDB: A PostgreSQL extension wrapping SciKit-Learn.
- pgaut: A PostgreSQL extension implementing MySQL's
on update current_timestamp
. - pgsql-proxy-middleware: A one-liner Node.js proxy middleware for PostgreSQL.
- sqlet: A framework for developing web services in pure SQL.
- calendiary: A diary app featuring a calendar view, inspired by Flava 1.0.
- iKnowledge: A personal knowledge management system based on Jekyll.
- redraiment.github.io: My blog built on iKnowledge.