JavaScript Practice Within HTML
index.html holds links to both other projects. Use the back button to navigate back and forth on a browser. Other files are called lottery.html and hotdogs.html.
Source code (as opposed to a PDF) can be viewed through using the view source code method on a browser.
If I had an extra month, I would add a "shoulda-coulda-wounda" feature to the lottery program. It would tell users what their probability of getting how much money they did, and then tell them a few ways they could've changed one or two numbers to get a higher payout. I would also make the print messages more interactive, saying things like "Good job!" or "Too bad!". Finally, I would add additional styling to make it more visually appealing.
The thing I like best about JavaScript is that it does so much for you. There are so many built in methods with their own little quirks that I enjoyed reading about and learning about.