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Improve ReactiveUI Routing docs (#229)
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* Improve ReactiveUI Routing docs

Addresses #212

* Fix typo
  • Loading branch information
worldbeater authored and RLittlesII committed Nov 25, 2018
1 parent 62b37b0 commit cff54bb
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 77 deletions.
150 changes: 73 additions & 77 deletions input/docs/handbook/routing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,96 +1,92 @@
ViewModel-based routing is supported for Xamarin.Forms, WinRT, WP8, UWP, Windows Forms and WPF Desktop applications. Routing is also possible on iOS and Android without Xamarin.Forms, but sometimes it can be difficult to make it work as expected. In case ViewModel-based routing is hard to implement, you can always use View-first routing and customize almost everything.

View-First or ViewModel-First?
# About ReactiveUI Routing

Whether you can use VM-based routing (i.e. RoutedViewHost, IScreen, RoutingState, and friends) in ReactiveUI depends on the platform you're on:
ReactiveUI routing consists of an `IScreen` that contains current `RoutingState`, several `IRoutableViewModel`s, and a platform-specific XAML control called `RoutedViewHost`. `RoutingState` manages the ViewModel Stack and allows ViewModels to navigate to other ViewModels. `IScreen` is the root of a navigation stack; despite the name, its views don't have to occupy the whole screen. `RoutedViewHost` monitors an instance of `RoutingState`, responding to any changes in the navigation stack by creating and embedding the appropriate view.

* WPF, Xamarin Forms: Absolutely
* WP8, WinRT: You can make it work, you lose some transitions and niceties
* Android, iOS Native: Very difficult to make work
# Getting Started

# XAML-based Platforms
First, we need to create a view model that implements the `IRoutableViewModel` interface.

In the App.xaml file register your viewmodels (If you want the viewmodel based navigation)
this.Router = new RoutingState();
Locator.CurrentMutable.RegisterConstant(this, typeof(IScreen));
Locator.CurrentMutable.Register(() => new LoginPage(), typeof(IViewFor<LoginViewModel>));
Locator.CurrentMutable.Register(() => new RegisterPage(), typeof(IViewFor<RegisterViewModel>));
To start the app and navigate to the default page login page in our case use the below code
this.Router.Navigate.Execute(new HomeViewModel());
MainPage = new RoutedViewHost();
You can implement logic here checking if the user has a valid token and may be navigate to the home page bypassing the login page. It could be a check with in the akavache storage for the presense of a token. Below is the sample loginviewmodel
public LoginViewModel(IScreen screen = null)
public sealed class FirstViewModel : IRoutableViewModel
HostScreen = screen ?? Locator.Current.GetService<IScreen>();
var canLogin = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Email, x => x.Password,
(email, password) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email) &&
_isLoading = Login.IsExecuting.ToProperty(this, x => x.IsLoading);
// A string token representing the current view model,
// such as 'login' or 'user'. "first" in our case,
// but can be whatever you like.
public string UrlPathSegment => "first";

Register = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromObservable(
() => HostScreen.Router.Navigate.Execute(new RegSelectionViewModel())
Login = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<object, LoginResponse>(
() => { /* Handle Login here */ }, canLogin);
// Instance of the host screen containing routing state
// to which this view model belongs.
public IScreen HostScreen { get; }

public FirstViewModel(IScreen screen)
// Inject the host screen via the constructor.
HostScreen = screen;

In the above view model `canLogin` will listen to changes in the email and password fields and can enable the login command if the fields are not empty. One can even do a regex based email validation. One thing would be to bind this command to a login button inside your view like below:
this.BindCommand(ViewModel, vm => vm.Login, v => v.loginButton) ;

# Wizard Navigation
Then, we create an `IScreen` implementation containing current `RoutingState`.

public sealed class RouterViewModel : IScreen
// The Router associated with this Screen.
public RoutingState Router { get; }

public RouterViewModel()
// Initialize the Router.
Router = new RoutingState();

// Router uses Splat.Locator to resolve views for
// view models, so we need to register our views
// using Locator.CurrentMutable.Register* methods.
var firstViewModel = new FirstViewModel(this);
() => new FirstView { DataContext = firstViewModel });

// Manage the routing state. Use the 'Execute'
// method to navigate to different pages.
phil.cleveland [8:16 AM]
@moswald: I see how that could work. I give up the default binding goodness of the command
phil.cleveland [8:18 AM]
@michaelteper: Not sure I follow where you are indicating to put those subjects
phil.cleveland [8:19 AM]
My original design had each page impl the Next and Back and also the xaml for the buttons. I didn't like it because each page then had to know about all the other pages it could possibly go to or go back to. So I moved all the logic to the shell, but that forces me to recreate the command each time a page changes. (Which I think is legit, but doesn't work)
moswald [8:20 AM]
well, my solution is a little bit wrong, combine it with @michaelteper's
moswald [8:20 AM]
pass two `Subject<bool>`s into your page VMs

moswald [8:20 AM]
those subjects are your `CanExecute`s
Now we need to place the `RoutedViewHost` XAML control to our view that will contain our routable views and view models. Assuming the view model of this Window is an instance of `RouterViewModel` defined above. We bind the view model `Router` property to `RoutedViewHost.Router` property.

d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance vm:RouterViewModel, IsDesignTimeCreatable=False}"
mc:Ignorable="d" Title="ReactiveUI.Routing" Height="360" Width="620">
Router="{Binding Router}"/>

moswald [8:21 AM]
that way you keep your `ReactiveCommand` binding goodness
Now, ReactiveUI view model -first routing works! You can use as many nested `IScreen`s and `RoutedViewHost`s as you wish and the routing will work fine. But remember, this works now only for XAML controls pages, for modals and popups it's better to use ReactiveUI `Interaction` feature.

phil.cleveland [8:21 AM]
I see. So set up the cmd with those and then the pages OnNext to define the enabled
# Assembly Scanning

phil.cleveland [8:21 AM]
Ok. I like that
If you'd like to register all view models and associated views in your application, use the following code:

phil.cleveland [8:22 AM]
Thanks :simple_smile:
// Splat uses assembly scanning here to register all views and view models.

michaelteper [8:23 AM]
```var canGoBack = new Subject<bool>();
var canGoNext = new Subject<bool>();
BackButton = ReactiveCommand.Create(canGoBack);
NextButton = ReactiveCommand.Create(canGoNext);
this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Router.CurrentViewModel)
.Subscribe(cvm =>
var page = Router.GetCurrentViewModel() as IWizardPage;


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