This is loosely based on Tommy Bennetts idea of algorithm-mnemonics.
It contains YASnippets for all algorithms in the C++ standard (including those already voted into the C++20 draft) and some useful combinations of these algorithms. (The versions taking ExecutionPolicies are currently missing).
Either add the location of the snippet directory to yas-snippet-dirs or place the directory inside a directory in this path.
(add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs "<snippets_directory>")
The snippets will be active for c++-mode and will be added to the algorithm sub-group.
As I work with different standard library implementations which don't all use the std namespace, I have a function that returns the appropriate namespace for the current file. If you are only using a standard library implementation that is implemented in the std namespace, you either want to define the function to always return std or replace the call in the snippets.
Add the following function to your configuration:
(defun rcj-cc-mode-std-prefix-for-file () "std")
cd <snippet-directory> && sed -i 's/`(rcj-cc-mode-std-prefix-for-file)`/std/g'
Most snippets are structured in the same way and have multiple replacement points. Lets look at reduce:
${1:auto ${2:v} = }std::reduce(${3:std::begin(${4:container})}, ${5:std::end($4)}${6:, ${7:init}${8:, ${9:[](auto ${10:const& }val, auto $10acc) { ${11:return val + acc;} }}}});$0
- Decide to capture the result in a variable or delete this replacement if used inside a control structure.
- Name of the variable.
- Start of input range, defaults to std::begin or could be replaced with an iterator.
- Name of the container when using std::begin.
- End of input range, defaults to std::end.
- Optional init value and binary predicate, just delete (default C-d) the replacement if you want to use the default.
- Initial value.
- Optional binary predicate, just delete if you want to use the default.
- Binary predicate: function object or lambda.
- If using a lambda, capture by const& (default) or by value (C-d).
- Implementation of the binary predicate, defaults to the standard implementation as a reminder.