Compose and memoize a list of non-falsy space-separated CSS class names from an array, or yields of a generator function.
This library has no dependencies.
function useComposedClassName(classNameGenerator: string[] | (() => Generator<string, void, unknown>), deps?: React.DependencyList): string;
JS Generator function
// returns "btn btn-primary" for non-active states and "btn btn-primary btn-active"
// for active states
const [active, setActive] = useState(false);
const className = useComposedClassName(function*() {
yield 'btn';
yield 'btn-primary';
if (active) {
yield 'btn-active';
}, [active]);
Truthy items in an array
// returns "btn btn-primary" for non-active states and "btn btn-primary btn-active"
// for active states
const [active, setActive] = useState(false);
const className = useComposedClassName([
active && 'btn-active',
], [active]);