This repository contains the official implementation of the ECCV 2024 paper "Concise Plane Arrangements for Low-Poly Surface and Volume Modelling". Given a set of input planes and corresponding inlier points the resulting plane arrangement can be used for polygon surface mesh reconstruction and convex decomposition of volumes.
- Reading of vertex groups (.vg, .npz) as input (e.g. from here)
- Fast and memory efficient concise plane arrangement construction
- Storing of the arrangement as a binary space partitioning tree (BSP-tree)
- Interior / exterior labelling of the arrangement cells using point normals or a reference mesh
- Further simplification of the arrangement based on a careful analysis of the BSP-tree
- Extraction of a concise convex decomposition (i.e. interior cells of the arrangement)
- Extraction of a concise polygon surface mesh (i.e. interface polygons between interior and exterior cells).
Simply clone the repository and install in a new conda environment using pip:
git clone
cd compod
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libgomp1 ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y
bash # this step may take some time
You are now ready to use COMPOD. You can test your installation with:
conda activate compod
cd example
COMPOSE is an extension for COMPOD that implements some routines for Surface Extraction in C++. Those are:
- a fast interior / exterior labelling of the arrangement cells based on interior point tests using a reference mesh.
- a simplification of the extracted surface mesh based on a Constrained Delaunay Triangulation of the corner vertices of each planar region.
To install COMPOSE you need to follow the steps below:
cd compose
conda install -y conda-forge::spdlog conda-forge::cgal anaconda::mpfr
pip install .
from pycompod import VertexGroup, PolyhedralComplex
model = "anchor"
file = "data/{}/convexes_refined/file.npz".format(model)
vg = VertexGroup(file,verbosity=20)
cc = PolyhedralComplex(vg,device='gpu',verbosity=20)
# ## needs compose extension
# cc.label_partition(mode="mesh",mesh_file="data/{}/surface/".format(model))
cc.save_partition("data/{}/partition/tree_simplified_partition.ply".format(model), export_boundary=True)
cc.save_surface(out_file="data/{}/surface/complex_mesh.obj".format(model), triangulate=False)
## needs compose extension
cc.save_simplified_surface(out_file="data/{}/surface/polygon_mesh.obj".format(model), triangulate=False)
cc.save_simplified_surface(out_file="data/{}/surface/triangle_mesh.obj".format(model), triangulate=True)
Please see the example/
If you use this work please consider citing:
title={Concise Plane Arrangements for Low-Poly Surface and Volume Modelling},
author={Raphael Sulzer and Florent Lafarge},