🔭 I’m currently learning about fullstack Web Developer (MEAN+MERN Technology).
🌱 I’m currently learning DevOps Engineer tools - (Git and GitHub, Jeklins, Maven docker, Ansible, Kubernets, Puppet,chef)
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Web Development(Angular and Springboot, Spring MVC, Laravel MVC, HTML and CSS, JavaScript, DOM, jQuery, JSON, RestAPI, Ajax,Mysql).
🤔 I’m looking for help with Software Development(Web Development).
💬 Ask me about fornt-End and Backed-End Development(reactJs,Angular and Springboot, Spring MVC, Laravel MVC, Java, node.js, PHP, ejs6, SQL, mongoDB).
🖥️ I use Operating System Windows and Linux.
⚙️ I have Professional Skills - Teamwork, Good communication and presentation skills, Problem Solving Skills
😄 Pronouns: He/His
⚡ Fun fact: In love with linkedIn
Android with Java, React-Native, Full-Stack With Udemy,Networking With Cisco
- Industrial Training
- Summer Internship