Implementation of simple Kalman Filter for state prediction. Kalman filter is an algorithm that takes measurements over time and creates a prediction of the next measurements. This is used in many fields such as sensors, GPS, to predict the position in case of signal loss for a few seconds and this is what we will also see in computer vision.
- Simple state estimator using kalman filtering
class Kalmanfilter
const double R = 40; //noise covariance (it's 10 initially)
const double H = 1.0; //measurement map scaler
double Q = 10; //initial estimated covariance
double P = 0; // initial error covariance
double predicted = 0; // initial estimated state
double k = 0; //initial kalman gain
double predict(double measured)
k = P * H / (H * P * H + R); // update kalman gain
predicted = predicted + k * (measured - H * predicted); // update estimated state
P = (1 - k * H) * P + Q; // update error covariance
return predicted;
Red dots depicts measured data and green circles depicts predicted data.