Database Management Systems Project
Languages: Java and FXML
Database: MySQL
This is a clone of Vaccination Booking website Co-Win (
- Allows user to register and login on the application
- After logging in, a user can register upto 4 members
- Users can search for the nearest vaccination centre by either using pin code or by selecting a district.
- There are 2 types of admins(local and global) local can only change info related to their specific centre.
- Global admins can add new vaccination centres.
- After the vaccination, local admins can mark attendance
- If vaccination is completed then the user can download a PDF certificate.
- Local and global admins can update number of available slots on each day
- Captcha is used to avoid computerized vaccine bookings.
- Simple GUI for users and admins
Vaccination centre database: (2038 Vaccine centres) Vaccine Information & Govt Approved Vaccine Centres.pdf
Captcha images database: (1039 CAPTCHA Images)
Our project can help :
- Government
- Hospitals
- Citizens
The project highlights the use of :
- Techniques for system analysis and design, such as data flow diagrams
- Database handling and query processing.
- Database Designing.
- User interface design
- Several features that make the application easier to use