My personal vim color scheme, based on the gruvbox palette.
This started as gruvbox-custom, where I optimized the loading time of the
color scheme by an order of magnitude by compiling it to a list of raw
When I started using nvim-treesitter for syntax highlighting, I realized that most of the filetype-specific highlighting wasn't needed anymore. One thing led to another and I ended up with a simpler color scheme.
This new color scheme was started "from scratch" by implementing the highlight
groupings described in :help group-name
as a base. From there my original
intention was to add customizations, but after a few months of using it as is I
never felt the need for heavy tweaking.
There is also a more minimalist, less colorful color scheme named gris
Both color schemes have a dark and a light background variant.
This is tailored to my personal needs, and is liable to change at any time, so
it probably isn't a good idea to install this as a plugin. But it's very easy
to use it as a template for your own color scheme! It should only be a matter
of forking the repository, adjusting highlights in the TOML configuration, and
to regenerate the color schemes.