A package for simulating skies for 21cm Intensity Mapping, with a lot of bonus utility code for dealing with Healpix maps, spherical co-ordinates etc.
This package has many dependencies. The following are essential:
Python <http://www.python.org/>
_ 2.7 or laterNumpy <http://scipy.org/>
_ (version 1.7 or later)Scipy <http://scipy.org/>
_Cython <http://cython.org/>
It is strongly recommended that you use optimized versions of Numpy
compiled against a multithreaded BLAS
library such as the Intel MKL <http://www.intel.com/software/products/mkl/>
_ or for AMD chips ACML <http://developer.amd.com/libraries/acml>
For full functionality there are other packages which are required:
Healpy <https://github.com/healpy/healpy>
_ (version 1.8 or later)h5py <http://www.h5py.org/>
As there are several Cython modules which need to be built the setup.py
be run in some form. Either the standard ::
$ python setup.py install [--user]
or to develop the package ::
$ python setup.py develop [--user]