This is a basic chess game implemented in JavaFX. All of the pieces should behave just as regular chess would. Extended ruleset with En Passant, Pawn Promotion, and Castling are implemented. Players can choose their names, but names are defaulted to "Black" and "White". Like normal chess, when the board is in check, the player is only allowed to make moves that exit check, and if there are no available moves to exit check, the board enters checkmate, and the game is over. Players can choose competition mode which allows the user to choose minutes for a timer to simulate competition chess. There is also a feedback mode which provides players with feedback from the AI regarding how well the player moved. The feedback mode also features a button to suggest a move for the user if he or she gets stuck. The user can choose to play another human or play the computer. If the AI button is pressed, the user can choose a level from 1 to 100, increasing the difficulty the higher the level. To clone the program, copy the url in our ChessGame repo and using your terminal, enter "git clone ''". Enjoy our chess game!
Utilizes Java8 and JavaFX No real reqs but if your computer struggles with AI, lower the difficulty.
Known bug: When playing against AI, if AI moves pawn to end and triggers Pawn Promotion, user is allowed to choose the promotion option for the AI. When playing against human C3PO doesnt give feedabck on moves
Chris Crabtree
Daniel Nix
Jonathan Balraj
Majd Hamoudah