- docker
- terraform
- kubectl
- google cloud sdk
Deployment steps:
Create docker images:
docker build -t <image name> ./client
docker build -t <image name> ./server
For Google Cloud Platform the image name should be in this format:
<region>/<container registry name>/<image name>:<image tag>
Login to GCP:
gcloud auth login
Push them to the container registry
docker push <image name>
For both client and server
(optional) Alternatively, for local deployment use docker-compose:
docker-compose up --build
If there is no infrastructure set up yet in GCP run the following:
gcloud init
This will initialize the connection to GCP
terraform init
This wil initialize terraform
Create a service account in GCP, download the JSON and save it to the ./terraform folder under account.json.
Then assign editor rights to the service account:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <your project name> --member <service account> --role roles/editor
Modify the config files in the ./terraform directory to reflect your project name etc. Then run this command. This will create GCP infrastructure based on the *.tf config files.
terraform apply
To be able to use kubectl run this:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials <cluster name created by terraform> --region=<region>
This will get the configuration to be able to access the Kubernetes cluster via console.
In the ./kube directory run this for all config files:
kubectl create -f <config file>
This will deploy the images to Kubernetes.
After this, the website should be up and running. To see the external IP address run
kubectl get service client