This is an initial personal attempt of turning the Pixelmed DICOM Toolkit from Dr. David Clunie into a github project, switching from Makefiles to maven and integrating it into the build pipeline.
Dicom is both, a technical format and a semantic reference for storing medical data into a file.
It is mainly used for storing medical image data, such as CT or MRI Scans.
Even if there is some common definition, different manufacturers tend to interpret the semantics of certain fields differently.
The origin of the code can be found here, which is under the BSD Licence:
The current state of this code is not recommended for production use.
- Moved all bash and shell scripts into folder 'scripts'
- Moved all java code into standard java folder structure 'src/main/java'
- Moved tests into standard java folder structure 'src/test/java'
- Moved Webstart to 'src/main/webstart'
- Removed Duplicate classes (might use git version branches instead, later)
- Added most dependecies or possible replacements into pom.xml
- Replaced depreacted JSON dependency with
- Replaced depreacted CSV Library with openCSV
- Added codec as separate module
- Turned dicom code into dicom module
- Made Code compile, tests still failing
- Run Test using maven
- check for test data, test data does not seem to be provided with source code
- Implement build pipeline
- Fix un-handled memory leaks e.g. on exceptions
- Apply java best practices to the code
- Use standard java resources structure for files like properties and CSV files
- Identify and create maven modules for separate components
- Run quality analysis for identifying possible improvements
- Codec Module: Extract Tests from Makefiles
- ...