POST {{api_url}}/projects HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "frog-routes"
Response body of a new project:
"id": "uuid",
"name": "string",
"user_id": "uuid",
"created_at": "timestamp",
"last_active_at": "timestamp",
"token": "hash"
A route is where you mock your HTTP response, using combination of "path", "verb", "content_type", and "response_body":
POST http://localhost:8000/projects/{{pid}}/routes HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"path": "/users",
"verb": "DELETE",
"content_type": "applicaton/json",
"response_body": "{\"firstName\": \"Pei\", \"lastName\": \"Wu\"}"
(to be continued)
- create projects
- view project details
- delete project and all its routes
- add creation and last used date to project (delete old ones)
A route here means a path (e.g. /users) + verb (e.g. GET).
- register a route for the project
- view routes of the project
- delete route (and linked data) from the project
- on project creation return bearer for later auth
- static readme website hosted on root path
- put resources and middlewares in separate files
- add dockerfile deployment
- add project ID UUID validation hook
- custom 404 omitting error title
- add proper logging
- normalize paths on route registration
- middleware that checks existence when pid given and 404's early
- add user-defined status code (optional)
- add user-defined content type (optional)
- use zod for data validation
- abstract data validation using `withValidation``
- background job that deletes old projects
- CORS middleware
- update route endpoint
- move db to docker volume forwarded to repo dir for persistence
- add route data size limit (5M?)
- swagger docs -> too much work
- rate limit on all requests
- code documentation
- proper readme file