SDK for Java apps to communicate with Yeelight devices.
implementation 'io.github.przybandrzej:yeelight-java-sdk:0.1.2'
Discover discover = new Discover("", 12345);
boolean searching = true;
while(searching) {
try {
Device device = discover.receiveSearchPacket(5000);
} catch(SearchTimeoutException e) {
searching = false;
The first parameter of the constructor is your machine's IP in local network, the second is a port of your choice - make sure it's not used by other services. Then you can send a search packet and receive search response. The response will be from only one device. If you want to search all devices within your network, make sure to call the method until the timeout.
DeviceControl ctrl = new DeviceControl(device);
ctrl.onDeviceStateChange(() -> {
System.out.println("Callback for when a device has received an update.");
ctrl.setPower(true, false);
ctrl.setColorTemperature(1800, false);
ctrl.adjustBrightness(-50, false);
Andrzej Przybysz
Email: [email protected]
Github: przybandrzej
LinkedIn: Andrzej Przybysz