This is a simple jQuery plugin which sets any HTML element as fullscreen by changing its height and width. It does not recreate the element again like other Layover, Modalbox does.
// This option has to be implemented if 'title' is required on the header when fullscreen mode is on.
title: function(fullScreenElement) {
if (!fullScreenElement.parents('.dashboard-iframe-block').find('.dashboard-iframe-header span:first')) {
throw new Error("Require element to display fullscreen title is not found.")
return fullScreenElement.parents('.dashboard-iframe-block')
.find('.dashboard-iframe-header span:first')
// Optional settings
// Activates fullscreen when CTRL + F key is pressed only if there is only one Fullscreen element
// in the DOM.
controlF : false,
//Invoked when fullscreen mode is inactive after being active
hidden: function (fullScreenElement) {
// Invoked when fullscreen mode is active
shown: function (fullScreenElement) {'div.test').hide();
// Exit title that gets dispalyed in the top of the page when fullscreen mode is active
exitTitle: "Exit Fullscreen",
// Length of the title to be displaye in the header of the fullscreen mode. If titile exceeeds
// The specified length, then its will trim it appending ellipsis at the end.
titleLength: 85