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A basic plugin set for Paella Player


Step 1: Import the plugin context and add it to the Paella Player initialization parameters:

Usin plugin context API:

import getBasicPluginsContext from 'paella-basic-plugins';

let paella = new Paella('player-container', {
    customPluginContext: [

Using explicit plugin import API (paella-basic-plugins >= 1.41):

import {
    basicPlugins, // All plugins
    FullscreenButtonPlugin      // Independent plugin
} from 'paella-basic-plugins';

let paella = new Paella('player-container', {
    plugins: [
        ...basicPlugins,    // All plugins
        { // One plugin
            plugin: FullscreenButtonPlugin,
            config: {
                enabled: true

From version 1.44.7, you can also use the generic plugin array name to import all the plugins:

import { allPlugins as basicPlugins } from 'paella-basic-plugins'

All the plugin libraries exports the allPlugins array. This is done in order to have a method to import all plugins using always the same name for all libraries.

Step 2: Configure the plugins you want to use in the paella player configuration.

    "plugins": {
        "es.upv.paella.fullscreenButton": {
            "enabled": true,
            "side": "right",
            "order": 0
        ... other plugin settings

Included plugins

Fullscreen button

Enables and disables full screen mode.

    "plugins": {
        "es.upv.paella.fullscreenButton": {
            "enabled": true,
            "side": "right",
            "order": 2

Fullscreen fallback on iOS devices: On iPhone full screen mode is not supported for HTML elements, it works only for videos. As paella player is a multi stream player, this kind of full screen is not useful. In addition, even if the video manifest only contains one video stream, if you use the full screen mode you will lose the playback bar, the subtitles and any other add-on added with paella-core or any of its plugins.

This plugin supports a fallback when the player is used in embedded mode, for example, inside a web portal. If the video container is of a different size than the available area in the viewport, the fullscreen button will be displayed and when entering fullscreen mode the paella-fallback-fullscreen class will be added. With this we have a way to use the full screen mode in the viewport of the browser through CSS.

The plugin does not add CSS rules for fullscreen mode because paella-core does not impose any restriction on the element used as video container, and therefore the definition of the styles is free and left on the developer side: it is not possible to define a CSS selector that ensures that the fullscreen styles will be applied, unless you use !important (and this is a bad practice):

.paella-fallback-fullscreen {
    position: fixed !important;
    top: 0 !important;
    left: 0 !important;
    right: 0px !important;
    height: 0px !important;
    width: 100dvw !important;
    height: 100dvh !important;
    z-index: 100000;

Therefore, to use the full screen fallback mode for iOS, it is necessary to add the styles to the CSS. It is recommended to do it together with the definition of the video container styles. The full screen style should be specified with a display: fixed, set to the edges of the window, with a width of 100dvw and height of 100dvh and a high z index, so that we know that no element of our site is going to be drawn over the player. This could be an example configuration on a web site that contains an embedded player:

    <article class="player-section">
        <h1>My Player</h1>
        <div class="player-container"></div>
.player-section {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    width: 95%;
    ... other CSS rules for the player section

.player-container {
    width: 100%;
    aspect-ratio: 16/9;

.player-container.paella-fallback-fullscreen {
    position: fixed;
    aspect-ratio: auto;
    top: 0px;
    left: 0px;
    width: 100dvw;
    height: 100dvh;
    z-index: 100000;

Exported as FullscreenButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.fullscreenButton
  • Icon names:
    • fullscreenIcon: enter fullscreen mode icon.
    • windowedIcon: exit fullscreen mode icon.

Note: On iOS it is not possible to enable fullscreen on DOM tree elements, only on a video. As paella-core is mainly a multi-stream player, the fullscreen button is disabled on iPhone devices, porque solo se podrĂ­a hacer fullscreen en uno de los vĂ­deos. In addition to this, fullscreen on a single video causes important features of the player to be lost, such as subtitles, so the button is also not active on single stream videos.


Set the audio volume. This plugin only works on desktop platforms, as the volume change APIs do not work on mobile devices.

    "plugins": {
        "es.upv.paella.volumeButtonPlugin": {
            "enabled": true,
            "side": "left",
            "order": 3,
            "volumeAlwaysVisible": false,
            "showVolumeOnFocus": true
  • volumeAlwaysVisible (paella-basic-plugins >= 1.31): By default, the volume slider is hidden until the user moves the mouse over the volume button. With this parameter you can make the volume slider always visible.
  • showVolumeOnFocus (paella-basic-plugins >= 1.31): If set to false, the volume slider will not be displayed when the button receives focus. By default this value is true.

Exported as VolumeButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.volumeButtonPlugin
  • Icon names:
    • volumeHighIcon: maximum volume level.
    • volumeMidIcon: medium volume level.
    • volumeLowIcon: low volume level.
    • volumeMuteIcon: muted volume.

Note: the JavaScript volume API is read only on iPad and iPhone devices. According to Apple, this is because on both iPad and iPhone, only a simultaneous audio stream is allowed to play. For example, if background music is being played, it will be detained if we play a video from another application. For this reason, the volume plugin is not available on iPad and iPhone platforms. This restriction can be extended to other platforms that do not have a valid audio volume API either.

Forward and backward buttons

These are two independent button-type plugins, which advance or rewind the video by 30 seconds (by default) with a single click. The seeked time can be configured using the time attribute.

    "plugins": {
        "es.upv.paella.forwardButtonPlugin": {
            "enabled": true,
            "side": "left",
            "order": 2,
            "time": 30

        "es.upv.paella.backwardButtonPlugin": {
            "enabled": true,
            "side": "left",
            "order": 1,
            "time": 30

Exported as ForwardButtonPlugin and BackwardButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.forwardButtonPlugin

  • Icon names:

    • forwardIcon
  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.backwardButtonPlugin

  • Icon names:

    • backwardIcon

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT ICON CUSTOMIZATION: The icons for these plugins contain dynamic text within the SVG file. This allows you to modify the icon depending on the amount of time you have set for the jump. To maintain this feature, it's important that if you customize the SVG using the icon customization API, the time is specified by a text tag with the time-text class.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 64 64" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:serif="" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;">
        .time-text {
            font: 25px sans-serif;
    <g id="Mesa-de-trabajo1" serif:id="Mesa de trabajo1" transform="matrix(0.125,0,0,0.125,0,0)">
        <rect x="0" y="0" width="512" height="512" style="fill:none;"/>
        <g id="backwardIcon">
            <g transform="matrix(0.301682,-0.953409,0.953409,0.301682,-33.639,434.074)">
            <g transform="matrix(8,0,0,8,-12.5937,20.6629)">

                <!-- Using this text with the class time-text, the plugin will be able to change the time label in the icon -->
                <text class="time-text" x="0" y="54">s</text>

Layout selector

Allows you to change the active video layout.

    "plugins": {
        "es.upv.paella.layoutSelector": {
            "enabled": true,
            "side": "right",
            "showIcons": true

The "showIcons" (paella-basic-plugins >= 1.26.1) option allows you to show or hide the icons defined for each layout. If the icons are not shown, the title of the layout will be displayed. If this option is not specified, the default value is true.

Exported as LayoutSelectorButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.layoutSelector
  • Icon names:
    • layoutIcon

Playback rate button

Modifies the video playback speed. In the plugin configuration it is possible to set the possible values. If this property is not included in the configuration, the plugin will use the default values:

    "es.upv.paella.playbackRateButton": {
        "enabled": true,
        "side": "right",
        "showIcon": true,
        "parentContainer": "videoContainer",
        "rates": [0.75, 1, 1.5, 2],
        "menuTitle": "Playback Rate"

Exported as PlaybackRateButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.playbackRateButton
  • Icon names:
    • screenIcon: screen icon, with filled background, to give contrast to the text of the selected playback rate.

Captions selector plugin

Allows you to select the subtitle track of the video. The plugin is able to detect in real time if the number of audio tracks has been modified, and updates to reflect these changes:

    "es.upv.paella.captionsSelectorPlugin": {
        "enabled": true,
        "side": "right",
        "parentContainer": "playbackBar",
        "menuTitle": "Available Captions"

Exported as CaptionsSelectorButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.captionsSelectorPlugin
  • Icon names:
    • captionsIcon

HLS Captions selector plugin

Allows you to select the subtitle track of an HLS stream. This plugin is not integrated with the paella-core subtitle system, but uses the APIs of the hls.js library that allow to display the subtitles of a m3u8 playlist printed over the video containing the subtitles. For that reason, the subtitles will only be seen on the HLS video. Also, the plugin implementation is restricted only to the video containing the audio track.

    "es.upv.paella.hlsCaptionsSelectorPlugin": {
        "enabled": true,
        "side": "right",
        "parentContainer": "playbackBar",
        "menuTitle": "Available Captions"

Exported as HlsCaptionsSelectorButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.hlsCaptionsSelectorPlugin
  • Icon names:
    • captionsIcon

Quality selector

Allows to select the video quality level, in case the video supports several quality levels. The quality information displayed by the plugin is obtained from the playerInstance.captionsCanvas API.

   "es.upv.paella.qualitySelector": {
        "enabled": true,
        "side": "right",
        "parentContainer": "videoContainer",
        "menuTitle": "Video Quality",
        "showIcon": false

Exported as QualitySelectorButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.qualitySelector
  • Icon names:
    • screenIcon: screen icon, with filled background, to give contrast to the text of the selected video quality.

Audio selector

Allows the user to change the active audio, in case the main audio stream supports multiple audio tracks.

    "es.upv.paella.audioSelector": {
        "enabled": true,
        "side": "right"

Exported as AudioSelectorButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.audioSelector
  • Icon names:
    • screenIcon: screen icon, with filled background, to give contrast to the text of the selected audio track.

Downloads plugin

Displays a list of downloadable videos. The list will show all MP4 video sources present in the video manifest.

    "es.upv.paella.downloadsPlugin": {
        "enabled": true,
        "side": "right",
        "description": "Downloads"

Exported as DownloadsButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.downloadsPlugin
  • Icon names:
    • downloadIcon

Keyboard shortcuts help

Displays a list of available keyboard shortcuts, which is obtained from the active keyboard shortcut plugins.

    "es.upv.paella.keyboardShortcutsHelp": {
        "enabled": true,
        "side": "right",
        "description": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
        "menuTitle": "Keyboard Shortcuts"

Exported as KeyboardHelpButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.keyboardShortcutsHelp
  • Icon names:
    • keyboardIcon

Find captions plugin

Allows you to search for text in the subtitles of the video.

    "es.upv.paella.findCaptionsPlugin": {
        "enabled": true,
        "side": "right",
        "description": "Search in captions"

Exported as FindCaptionsButtonPlugin.

Icon customization data:

  • Plugin identifier: es.upv.paella.findCaptionsPlugin
  • Icon names:
    • findCaptionsIcon

Custom time progress indicator

Allows to add a video elapsed time indicator as a non-interactive button type plugin.

    "es.upv.paella.customTimeProgressIndicator": {
        "enabled": true,
        "textSize": "large",    // "small", "medium" or "large"
        "showTotal": false

Exported as CustomTimeProgressIndicatorPlugin

Live streaming progress indicator

Displays a live streaming text above the timeline bar, when the video is a live event.

    "es.upv.paella.liveStreamingProgressIndicator": {
        "enabled": true,
        "layer": "foreground",
        "side": "left",
        "margin": 10,
        "textColor": "#AA0000",
        "circleColor": "#FF0000"

Exported as LiveStreamingProgressIndicatorPlugin