is a source for denite.nvim.
This plugin can open gist page with Denite interface.
This plugin depends on:
For dein.vim
call dein#add('Shougo/denite.nvim')
call dein#add('tyru/open-browser.vim')
call dein#add('pocari/vim-denite-kind-open-browser')
call dein#add('pocari/vim-denite-gists')
:Denite gists
:Denite gists:[github user name]
Default Action is open
with open-browser.vim
You can choose multiple candidates, and you can open them by multiple browser tab.
argument on startup
Denite gists:pocari
from your .gitconfig
if following section exists in your gitconfig, it is used.
e.g) ~/.gitconfig
[github] user = pocari
no argument and no github section in gitconfig
A prompt for entering the user name is displayed at startup.
:Denite gists
is slow because it uses web API call.
So, if you know that gist
contents are not changed, you can run like this.
Denite gists -buffer-name=gists -resume
And, when you want to refresh,
Denite gists -buffer-name=gists -resume -refresh