missing stuff from former version
really new stuff or major change
making existing stuff better
need to be fixed immediatly
issue was read and got confirmed
somebody works on the issue
for this PR a PR test or similar is running, waiting for results or fixing tests
work on issue is scheduled for future
for a PR it means, tests passing, merge me asap
anybody: please help with this issue
this issue needs review, mostly PRs
missing documentation: write it
missing or broken tests, write or fix them
pull request needs a rebase to its upstream branch
submitter has not signed the contributor lienses agreement
beginner skills needed, good for newbies
fair project insight needed
release target is a patch release with a bugfix (see http://semver.org)
release target is a minor release with a new feature (see http://semver.org)
release target is a major release with breaking changes (see http://semver.org)