created: May 2018
version 1.0.
description: python module to read an Applanix .000 binary file
notes: See main at end of script for example how to use this
based on ICD file version 4
developed for Python version 3.4
decode heave pitch roll into GG attitude file format (problem! file format is not described)
decode positions from group 1 to csv
decode true heave from group 111
decode C_29 marinestar
decode C_20 installation
test the file name for the GPS week
determine the GPS week so we can provide correct time stamps
basic loop through the file reading the header and skipping the data
core loop
MESSAGE 56 does not change in terms throughout the file of timestamp or date. All messages are identical
Time Of Week
- test the group 11,12,13 message for GPS week (aux GPS)
- test the group 3 message for GPS week (primary GPS)
- test the NMEA strings for GPS week
##GROUPS## 0 - 99 POS Core User data groups 100 - 199 POS MV User data groups 200 - 299 POS AV User data groups 300 - 399 POS TG User data groups 400 - 499 POS LV User data groups 500 - 599 POS LS User data groups 600 - 699 POS SV User data groups 700 - 799 POS MC User data groups 800 - 9999 Reserved 10000 - 10099 POS Core Raw data groups 10100 - 10199 POS MV Raw data groups 10200 - 10299 POS AV Raw data groups 10300 - 10399 POS TG Raw data groups 10400 - 10499 POS LV Raw data groups 10500 - 10599 POS LS Raw data groups 10600 - 10699 POS SV Raw data groups 10700 - 10799 POS MC Raw data groups 10800 - 19999 Reserved 20000 POS Core User diagnostic group 20001 - 20099 POS Core Proprietary diagnostic groups 20100 POS MV User diagnostic group
Data Type Conversions from POS to Python:: https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html * ALL types to python struct types * signed char = 1 byte = "b" * unsigned char = 1 byte = "B"
* signed int 4 bytes = "i"
* UNsigned int 4 bytes = "I"
* signed long int 4 bytes = "l"
* UNsigned long int 4 bytes = "L"
* signed short integer 2 bytes = "h"
* UNsigned short integer 2 bytes = "H"
* double = 8 bytes = "d"
* float = 4 bytes = "f"
* char = 1 byte = "c"
* string = n bytes = "s"