A repo of subject-collected references that I find useful.
Ultimately, this sort of thing is deeply personal, but maybe this is useful to someone else.
Subhead | Topics |
General | Tutorials |
Languages | Ruby, rspec/capybara testing, SQL, JS |
Web | HTML, CSS, JQuery, Backbone, HTTP |
Frameworks | Rails, Canvas |
Tools | Git, helpful gems, install pages, further readings |
Style | Style guides for many languages |
Environment | Mostly bash/terminal stuff |
Practice | Fun stuff to get you more handy with tools |
Snippets | Snippets I've found myself searching for |
- Tutorialspoint, a hub for many different resources
- Ruby Standard Library
- Ruby Core API
- Classes
- Ruby doc, a central place for finding
s and their associated documentation - Ruby docs, a searchable hub for ruby and rails API
- Javascript Hub on MDN
- Underscore, utility functions for JS
- CSS 2.1 Property Table
- CSS 3, but you should probably stick with 2.1 mostly
- CSS Specificity Calculator
- HTTP methods: GET, POST, PATCH, etc.
- Rails API
- Rails Guides, click the dropdown on the top right for more.
- There are a couple that are really good and merit reading all the way through.
- Rails status codes, semantic HTTP Status Codes
- Canvas hub, MDN
- Intro to Canvas, an excellent book
- Homebrew, painless compilation and updates
- rbenv, ruby environment manager
- Git
- Pro Git
- Git Ref
- Gitready, a reference of neat tasks/commands
- Git cheatsheet, a really neat visual git reference
- Git immersion
- rspec/testing
- Use the Index, Luke, how to make effective use of SQL indices
- Rails
- Postman, a chrome extension for making HTTP requests
- The SASS Way, readings about using SASS
- Bootstrap
- Chrome dev tools
- Ruby style
- Better specs with Rspec
- How I write SQL
- Rails conventions: model, view: singular; database, controller: plural
- Crockford JavaScript
- JQuery Style Guide
- Github Markdown
- Advanced Github Markdown
- readline
- bash programming
- advanced bash
- unix shell
- Project Euler
- Coding challenges (several)
- Dr Eval, JS specific game
- SQL zoo
- Ruby Warrior, AI practice in ruby
- CSS Diner, selector practice
- jQuery Fundamentals
Course books
- Learning SQL by Alan Beaulieu
- Effective JavaScript by David Herman
- Backbone.js on Rails by thoughtbot
- Code Complete
- Design Patterns
- The Algorithm Design Manual
- The Art of Computer Programming
Software Engineering/Operations
Professional/job search
- What Color is Your Parachute?
- Butterick's Practical Typography
- Dreaming in Code
- Dataclysm
- Git reset authorship:
git filter-branch -f --env-filter "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='your_full_name'; GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='your_email'; GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='your_full_name'; GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='your_email';" HEAD
- create new rails project:
rails new project_name --database postgresql
- rails initial config (can probably be automated)
- database.yml
- Gemfile