[Java] A QWOP-playing bot driven by a Cellular Genetic Algorithm that evolves QWOP runners (input loops)
The intended goal of the project is to write a bot able to play QWOP (http://www.foddy.net/Athletics.html), training it with genetic programming principles.
Explanation of the origin of this project can be found in Laurent Vaucher's blog post at http://slowfrog.blogspot.com/2011/03/genetically-engineered-qwop-part-1.html
This project was extended into Steven Ray's Computer Science master project at CSU Sacramento in 2013, and later published at: GECCO '14 Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, ACM, Vancouver, pp. 823-830
Abstract: http://research.google.com/pubs/pub42902.html Project URL (pdf): http://athena.ecs.csus.edu/~gordonvs/papers/QWOPgecco14.pdf
Instructions for importing and running the bot with the genetic algorithm learning component:
Either pull the project into Eclipse from my github: https://github.com/pizzapotamus/Qwopper.git
Or unzip the archive and import the whole thing into eclipse, and it should be good to go.
Running the Cellular GA: Genetic.java is the class that handles the GA logic. Running the Genetic class with a QWOP game fully visible in a browser window will run the GA according to the parameters.
You can also run the QWOPPER gui app shown in the video by running
src/com/slowfrog/qwop/ui/Main.java. This app will let you manually
enter input strings for the bot to iterate over as it plays QWOP.
Here's a video of me using the GUI app by first generating 3 random
"runners", and then pasting in a string that was actually evolved by
the algorithm over 30 or so generations:
A Note on all the txt files included in the project: These are here to show some history of the GA's performance throughout the implementation's evolution toward a Cellular GA, as well as to provide the initial lists of runners used to populate Generation 0 for each of the genetic encodings explored.