Version 0.14.1
Total issues resolved: 19
- 459: Add support for custom location of .git directory
- 461: Use correct path to .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG when using non-standard .git dir location
- 470: Add ignore patterns for Infection task
- 471: Changed phpcsfixer2 default options
- 472: Fixed notice if repositories is not defined
- 473: Made "git diff" behave more predictably
- 474: Add ignore-msi-with-no-mutations
- 476: Changed phpcpd "names_exclude" option
- 478: Add phpcpd "paths_exclude" option
- 483: Docs: Run same task twice with different configuration
- 484: Ignore symlinks filesize task
- 485: Add ignore patterns for File size task
- 488: Updated to reflect that existing git hooks will get destroyed
- 489: Update
- 490: Added addOptionalIntegerArgument to fix issue with phpcs warning_severity
- 494: Add whitelist_patterns option to PhpMnd task
- 496: Add whitelist_patterns option to PhpMd task
- 498: Add whitelist_patterns to GitBlacklist
- 502: Added -c argument to run command properly