I am faszinated by radioWissen podcasts from BR2. They provide a wide range of topics: History, literature, music, mythology, religions, philosophy, psychology, nature, biology, economy and politics. Currently (2019-10-14) there are 2068 podcasts online. Therefore it is sometimes hard to find podcasts that I want to listen to based on quite specific query. Since I like the idea of embeddings to represent content, I have written a function to inspire me what I can listen to next.
The embeddings are based on feed-forward Neural-Net Language Models with 128-dimensional embedding vectors from
The idea is to get an inspiration which podcasts -- with similar content -- are available.
Find top_n
closest podcasts to search_string
$ python --search_string="Klassizismus" --top_n=15
Searching for best matches...
Gottfried Semper - Architekt und Revolutionär 0.731763
Hieronymus Bosch - Im Lustgarten der Dämonen 0.691967
Humanismus, Renaissance, Reformation - Aufbruch... 0.679882
Béla Bartók- Meister der Moderne 0.666955
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Genie der Plakatkunst 0.666286
Igor Strawinsky - Der Schock der Moderne 0.662641
Architekt und Bauhausgründer - Walter Gropius 0.661809
Jugendstil - Natur als Kunst, Schönheit als Rev... 0.657266
Ludwig II. - Der Mondkönig 0.654857
Merkantilismus - Zölle für den Adelsprunk 0.649388
Versailles - Musik am Hof des Sonnenkönigs 0.649136
Renaissance-Gärten - Kunstwerk aus Himmel, Erde... 0.648772
Herrlichkeit und Katzenjammer - Die Epoche der ... 0.648647
Der Englische Garten - Münchens grünes Herz 0.646806
Das frühe Byzanz - Ein christliches Imperium im... 0.645438
Most of the results are related to architecture or at least art.
Use the code for your own data.
Find clostest match from list of sentences (or list of single words) to a search query.
#Suppress tensorflow infos, deprecation warnings
import warnings
import tensorflow as tf
tf.__version__ # Tested with '1.13.1', does not work with 2.x
import embeddings as es
Embed sentences or a list of words.
e = es.TfHubEmbedder()
data = ["Auto", "Bus", "Caesar"]
print("Embeddings' shape: {}".format(e.embeddings.shape))"data/demo_emb.npy", "data/demo_titles.npy")
e.load("data/demo_emb.npy", "data/demo_titles.npy")
> Embeddings' shape: (3, 128)
Compare embeddings from (2) with your search_string
ce = es.ClosestEmbedding(e.embeddings, e.titles)
sim_df = ce.find_closest(search_string="VW")
> VW
> Auto 0.720517
> Bus 0.602985
> Caesar 0.468566