Defunct repo: Please see
Using the egg library with a file format and semantics similar to datalog.
Short talk proposal paper for EGRAPHS 2022
Explanatory blog posts:
To run on a file locally:
cargo run --release tests/
To build the wasm library:
wasm-pack build --target web
Note: I started modifying egg a bit. I exposed the Subst datatypes field.
- MultiApplier could be useful / efficient
- Using Conditional Equals could be useful if all variables known
- But really getting patterns to compile with substituion pieces considered known subsumes this optimization I think in modern egg with yihong's optimization.
- Sanity checks that needed variables exist would be good. when it does crash it names rules, so that's something.
- May want to run Runner multiple times since it may not get restarted. Currently I have that vec![0] hack
- _ for dummy variables
- The ability to check to see if something is in the egraph.
- graphviz dumping the egraph. graphviz wasm?
- harrop formula
- merge_subst that doesn't copy?
- Give rules names. Keep a hash table of them?
- Queries with variables
- Queries should be conjunctions
- a REPL would be sweet. especially if we have higher order rules, we could watch the database, add queries
- termination based on the query condition
- side effectful searchers and appliers (printing mostly), functions.
- Astsize with weighting? Does that get me anywhere?
- infix operators
- better printers
- rewrite/proof files that allow intermediate queriess. set of support?
- cli
- smtlib subset (forall (a b ) (= (f a) (g c)) ) ! :pattern) or horn cluase style.
- vaguely ML/coq style synax
- tptp syntax?
- push pop directives instead of clear.
- only allow stuff that compresses the egraph? Appliers that do not add terms to the egraph or only add a couple? Or keeps counts.
- directives to changes egraph params. or flags?
- Macros/simplification stage?
- typed symbollang - would this even be an optimization?
- defunctionalization of lambdas. lambda-egglog
- backchain until stumped? depth limitted backchain?
- hashlog - experiment with same thing but on hashcons instead of egraph. Easier to understand semi naive?
- epeg extraction
- faster multipattern via compilation
- integerate analysis?
- gensym
- serialize the egraph
- negation checks. nonlogical
- cli options to the runner
cram tests/cram/*.t -i