Implementation of a wellfield in Caçapava, SP, Brazil. This project is a final assessment of a undergraduate class named: Water and monitoring wells for groundwater
This project was designed and carried out with the collaboration of:
- Cleilson Lopes
- Matheus Lima
- Implementation of a wellfield with its constructive parameters in the municipality of Caçapava to meet the demand of a possible abrupt population growth of 20 thousand people.
- Define the best area to construct the wellfield.
folder contain the data used in this project:
well data from DAEEdados-siagas.csv
well data from SIAGASIRITANI-data.csv
well data from Iritani, 1999
folder contain the workflow file used to estimate the groundwater recharge in Caçapava-SP. Here was used the Thornthwaite-Mather Procedure (Thornthwaite and Mather, 1957). The groundwater recharge map are here
folder contain the reports of progress presented in the class.
folder contain the maps produced to delimite and define the wellfield.
folder contain the files to estimate the transmissivity from the available data:
transmissivity estimates using welltestpy 🚧 (Work in progress) 🚧Sc-T.ipynb
transmissivity estimates using empirical method that relates transmissivity and specific capacity (Mace, 2000)
Allen RG, Pereira LS, Raes D, Smith M (1998). Crop evapotranspiration: guidelines for computing crop water requirements. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, FAO, Rome.
IRITANI, M. A., 1999. Modelação Matemática Tridimensional para a Proteção das Captações de Água Subterrânea doi:10.11606/T.44.1999.tde-16082013-125326. São Paulo : Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo. Tese de Doutorado em Recursos Minerais e Hidrogeologia. [acesso 2022-06-17].
MACE, R., 2000. Estimating transmissivity using specific-capacity data. Conference: Proceedings of the Ogallala Aquifer Symposium-2000
Saxton, K. E., & Rawls, W. J. (2006). Soil water characteristic estimates by texture and organic matter for hydrologic solutions. Soil science society of America Journal, 70(5), 1569-1578.
Thornthwaite, C. W., & Mather, J. R. (1957). Instructions and tables for computing potential evapotranspiration and the water balance. Publ. Climatol., 10(3).