This is the example project on how to use the project. Its a default project that has been customized with the required libraries.
You need a MCU with at least 35K bytes flash for this project without optimization. The configuration runs the MCU at 20MHz.
###Hardware You will need a FTDI USB to UART cable to test on hardware if you want to work on a terminal. The default connection parameters for the terminal are (defined in user.h/user.c):
- Baud rate: 9600, data bits: 8, stop bit: 1, parity: none, flow: none
- UART2 pins are used
The default connection parameters for the WIFI are (defined again in user.h/user.c):
- Baud rate: 115200, data bits: 8, stop bit: 1, parity: none, flow: none
- UART4 pins are used Have in mind that some versions are using different serial settings.
###Software Clone
Then clone
And lastly clone this repository. Open in MPLAB X, build and deploy.
To connect to your router change the connections in user.c: [SSID] and [PASSWORD]
When running the example you should be able to see in the terminal your public ip coming from
The example includes 2 services: one default (usually you do not need another one) and a second one that stays unconnected. It is only there as a proof of concept.
You can debug with terminal commands wifi-get/wifi-set.
The service definitions are included in CommandEngine.c. The example requests that are used are defined in user.c.
The software is provided under The MIT License.