A simple MQTT client kotlin multiplatform implementation.
WIKI will be available as soon as possible
Platform | MQTT 3.1.1 | TCP | TLS | Websocket |
JVM | ✅ | ✅ | --- | --- |
Windows X64 | ✅ | ✅ | --- | --- |
Linux X64 | ✅ | ✅ | --- | --- |
Linux ARM64 | ✅ | ✅ | --- | --- |
Linux ARM32 | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Node.js | --- | --- | --- | --- |
The library is available on Maven Central, so you can install with gradle by:
implementation("io.github.petretiandrea:mqtt-km:x.x.x") // kotlin dsl
implementation 'io.github.petretiandrea:mqtt-km:x.x.x' // groovy
The mqtt library works by creating a safe event loop using coroutines. To build a valid client instance you need to provide a coroutine scope where launch a "background" coroutine event loop.
You can create a simple mqtt client instance by a special dsl provided by library.
fun main() = runBlocking { scope ->
val client = mqtt(scope) {
tcp { // also provide ssl, or websocket builder (actually not implemented)
hostname = "broker.hivemq.com"
port = 1883
clientId = "client-1234"
// you can subscribe a lot of callbacks during creation...
// onMessageReceive, onDisconnect, onDeliveryCompleted, etc...
onSubscribeCompleted { subscribe, qoS ->
println("Subscribe to: ${subscribe.topic} with qos: $qoS")
// ...or after
client.onMessageReceived { message -> println("$message")}
// connect returns a Result, which is a success when connection process ends successfully
// publish. This return a boolean, but the effective delivery of message is handled by event loop, so the message
// complete the delivery when onDeliveryCompleted is called.
val message = Message(MessageId.generate(), "topic/subtopic/", "data", QoS.Q1, retain = false, duplicate = false)
// disconnect