This repository contains a set of microservices for converting currencies. The microservices run on Spring Boot applications and contain serveral Spring Cloud components such as Eureka naming server, Ribbon client-side load balancer, Config server, Feign REST Client,
I am planning to expand on this project to obtain live currency exchange rates as well as setting up additional Spring Cloud elements to improve the interactions between the microservices. I will also update the README soon so that the the instructions for deploying the microservices are clearer (possibly deploying from a virtual machine/container). Expect a lot more content to be added soon!
Clone the repository into your local directory to get the source code.
You will need the following software installed on your computer:
- Java 8
- Gradle for building the project
- IntelliJ/Eclipse/STS for running applications on IDE
- Postman for making easy API calls
Please deploy the microservices in the following order:
- spring-cloud-config-server
- netflix-eureka-naming-server
- currency-exchange-service
- currency-conversion-service
- netflix-turbine-dashboard-server
You can make a HTTP GET request for a JSON data of a specific pair of currencies for conversion rate and the amount converted using the following URI:
where {from} and {to} are placeholders for the following currency pairs:
Please submit a pull request or directly message me for any ideas or comments you would like to share. I am an active member on GitHub and will constantly monitor my page.
- To all of you for visiting my GitHub page
- Barclays and especially my team for providing me with a lot of challenges and guidance over the 9 weeks during the internship
- in28Minutes for their tutorials on Spring framework and microservices