Look at demo here: http://cookbook-express-api.herokuapp.com
method: GET
endpoint: https://cookbook-express-api.herokuapp.com/api/recipes/
return: {
500: "internal error",
200: "list of recipes with id and name"
method: GET
endpoint: https://cookbook-express-api.herokuapp.com/api/recipe/:id
return: {
500: "internal error",
200: "the requested recipe of id",
204: "recipe not found"
method: POST
endpoint: https://cookbook-express-api.herokuapp.com/api/recipe/
sample payload: {
"nome": "Brownie de Chocolate com Gengibre",
"secao": [
"nome": " Ingredientes",
"conteudo": [
"50 g farinha de milho fina",
"10 g de cacau em pó"
"nome": " Modo de Preparo",
"conteudo": [
"1 - Coloque numa tigela a farinha de milho fina e o cacau em pó.",
"2 - Misture e reserve."
"nome": " Outras informações",
"conteudo": [
"Rendimento: 20 porções "
return: {
500: "internal error",
200: {inserted: true},
204: {inserted: false}
method: PUT
endpoit: https://cookbook-express-api.herokuapp.com/api/recipe
sample payload: {
"_id": "5744eff20ca7832b5c745abf",
"nome": "abc2",
"secao": [{
"nome": " Ingredientes",
"conteudo": [
}, {
"nome": " Modo de Preparo",
"conteudo": [
}, {
"nome": " Outras informações",
"conteudo": [
return: {
500: "internal error",
200: {updated: true},
204: {updated: false}
method: DELETE
endpoit: https://cookbook-express-api.herokuapp.com/api/recipe/:id
return: {
500: "internal error",
200: {removed: true},
204: {removed: false}