$ make install-prerequisites
Build the C version:
$ make
or $ make c
Build the CUDA C version:
$ make cuda
Switching the compiler can be done by replacing the Makefile variable CC, e.g.:
$ make CC=clang
Build the documentation with:
$ make doc
That target will clean all auto-generated sources
$ make clean
These targets should run without any errors.
$ make run-cubeC-example
$ make run-cubeC-weights-example
This target only works when compiling for cuda of course
$ make run-cubeCUDA-example
The results of these example calls can be visualized using the scripts in misc/
$ ./scatterplot <some csv>
# allows to plot your results
Your results may have to be transposed first using
$ ./transposecsv.py <input csv> <output csv>
When you would like to melt down your CPU, create a random matrix using the
script that allows you to generate a random matrix of arbitrary
Just call the compiled programs or the python helper scripts without parameters in order to obtain a help message, e.g.:
$ ./smacofC
ERROR: wrong number of arguments
# SMACOF - Philipp D. Schubert - [email protected] #
usage: <prog> <input> <output> <disfunc> <maxiter> <epsilon> <resultdim> <metric_p> <print>
parameter explanation:
input - a valid path to csv file to analyse: path
ouput - a filename for the outputfile: path
disfunc - dissimilarity measure: ...
0 - euclidean
1 - cityblock
2 - minkowski
3 - correlation
4 - angularseperatin
5 - wavehedges
6 - bahattacharyya
7 - soergel
8 - braycurtis
9 - divergence
10 - canberra
11 - none
maxiter - maximum number of iterations to use: a positive integer
epsilon - the maximum error value which is allowed: a positive real_t
resultdim - number of dimensions for result vectors: a positive integer
minkowski_p - a value to adjust the minkowski distance: a positive integer
print - be verbose: 0 or 1
weights - a valid path to csv file containing the weights