Welcome to Facebowl, a powerful and efficient blogging website built using GraphQL and various modern technologies. This project leverages GraphQL, Apollo Server, Prisma, MySQL, Redis, TypeScript, and Node.js to provide a seamless and interactive blogging experience.
- GraphQL: A query language for APIs that enables efficient data fetching.
- Apollo Server: A GraphQL server that simplifies building GraphQL APIs.
- Prisma: A modern database toolkit for TypeScript and Node.js.
- MySQL: A robust relational database management system.
- Redis: A high-performance in-memory data store used for caching posts.
- TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that adds static types.
- Node.js: A runtime environment for executing server-side JavaScript.
- Create, update, and delete data using GraphQL mutations.
- Fetch blog posts, comments, and user data with powerful GraphQL queries.
- Efficiently cache frequently accessed posts using Redis.
- Utilize TypeScript for type-safe development and enhanced code quality.
- Securely store user passwords using bcrypt.
- Authenticate users using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
- Protect sensitive data using environment variables.