A script to make a static build of FFmpeg.
Git mirrors:
mkdir -p cache/dnf
podman build --squash-all -v $(pwd)/cache/dnf:/cache/dnf:Z -t ffmpeg-static .
podman run -it --rm -v .:/ffmpeg-static:Z --name ffmpeg-static ffmpeg-static [-d]
: download and unpack dependencies, don't build.
The binaries will be created in the ./bin
You can delete the image after you're done with
podman rmi ffmpeg-static
Start a Podman container in the background, then enter it with a shell:
podman run -itd -v .:/ffmpeg-static:Z --entrypoint=/bin/bash --name ffmpeg-static ffmpeg-static
podman exec -it ffmpeg-static /bin/bash
On the top-level of the project, run
. env.sh
To download only dependencies, run
./build.sh -d
You can then enter the source folders and make the compilation yourself:
cd build/ffmpeg-*
./configure --prefix=$TARGET_DIR # <...>
Don't forget to delete the container after you're done:
podman stop -t 1 ffmpeg-static && podman rm ffmpeg-static