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TIFY is a slim and mobile-friendly IIIF document viewer.


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TIFY is a slim and mobile-friendly IIIF document viewer built with Vue.js.

Continue reading to learn how to integrate TIFY into your website or application and about its options and API, check out the website for usage examples, or have a look at the user guide.

Embedding TIFY

TIFY is available as an npm package:

npm install tify

Embed TIFY into your website in three easy steps:

  1. Include both the JavaScript and the stylesheet.

    • Either download TIFY and copy the contents of the dist directory to your server:

       <script src="tify.js?v0.25.4"></script>
       <link rel="stylesheet" href="tify.css?v0.25.4">

      To avoid issues with browser caching, add a query parameter with the current version, e.g. ?v0.25.4.

    • Or use jsDelivr:

       <script src="[email protected]/dist/tify.js"></script>
       <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/tify.css">
    • Or import TIFY into your web application:

       import 'tify'
       import 'tify/dist/tify.css'
  2. Add an HTML block element with an id and set its height.

    <div id="tify" style="height: 640px"></div>
  3. Create a TIFY instance.

    new Tify({
      container: '#tify',
      manifestUrl: '',


If you are are upgrading from any previous version, have a look at the upgrading guidelines.


TIFY takes an options object as its only parameter. While optional, you usually want to set container and manifestUrl.

  • container: string or HTMLElement or null (default)

    The HTML element into which TIFY is mounted. If set to null, TIFY is not mounted at all until mount is called (see API).

  • filters: object, default {}

    Sets the initial image filters. Available properties are 'brightness', 'contrast' (both a floating-point number between 0.5 and 2) and 'saturation' (floating-point number between 0 and 3), all optional.

  • language: string, default 'en'

    The interface language, matching the translation filename without extension. See which translations are available or add your own.

  • manifestUrl: string or null (default)

    The URL of the IIIF manifest to load.

  • pageLabelFormat: string, default 'P : L'

    Defines how page labels are displayed in the page selector and in the thumbnails view. The placeholder P is replaced by the physical page number (consecutive numbers starting at 1) while L is replaced by the logical page label, which can be any string, defined by the manifest.

  • pages: array of 1-based integers, default [1]

    The page(s) to display initially. Page numbers are physical numbers, starting at 1. This setting can be overridden by setting pages via URL query if urlQueryKey is set.

  • pan: object, default {}

    Sets the initial pan. The object has two optional properties x and y, both floating-point numbers. The higher the value, the more to the left respectively top the image is positioned. By default, the image is centered within the container.

  • translationsDirUrl: string or null (default)

    The URL of the directory where TIFY finds its translations, without trailing /. If not set, TIFY tries to determine this URL automatically from its <script> element, but this may not work depending on how TIFY is loaded.

  • urlQueryKey: string or null (default), only use characters A…Z a…z 0…9 - _

    If set, parameters are read from the URL query and any changes are reflected, using the key provided. This works with multiple concurrent instances, but each instance must use a unique key.

  • urlQueryParams: array of strings, default ['filters', 'pages', 'pan', 'rotation', 'view', 'zoom']

    The parameter keys to be stored in the URL query on change. Only has effect if urlQueryKey is set.

  • view: string, default ''

    The initially displayed view (panel); scan, fulltext, thumbnails, toc, info, help, or empty (same as scan). On large screens, the scan is always shown next to the selected view.

  • viewer: object

    An object with options for OpenSeadragon, TIFY’s image rendering component. See its documentation for all available options.

  • zoom: floating-point number, default null

    Sets the initial zoom level. The higher the number, the deeper the zoom. By default, zoom is set automatically so that the full image is visible.

An example with most available options set to non-default values:

new Tify({
  container: '#tify',
  language: 'de',
  manifestUrl: '',
  pageLabelFormat: 'P (L)',
  pages: [2, 3],
  pan: { x: .45, y: .6 },
  translationsDirUrl: '/translations/tify',
  urlQueryKey: 'tify',
  urlQueryParams: ['pages'],
  view: '',
  viewer: {
    immediateRender: false,
  zoom: 1.2,


With the exception of mount and destroy, all API functions are only available after TIFY has been mounted and the manifest has been loaded. Then the ready promise is fulfilled. There is no API function to load a new manifest; just replace the instance.

Use the API like this:

const tify = new Tify({ manifestUrl: '' })


tify.ready.then(() => {
  tify.setPage([1, 12, 13])
  • destroy

    Destroys the current instance and removes event listeners. If you are using TIFY in an SPA, this should be called every time a page containing TIFY is unmounted to avoid memory leaks.

    No parameters.

  • mount

    Mounts TIFY.


    • container: string or HTMLElement, required

      CSS selector pointing to a single HTML node or the node itself into which TIFY is mounted.

  • resetScan

    Resets the scan display options.


    • includingFiltersAndRotation: boolean, default false

      By default, only pan and zoom are reset. If true, image filters and rotation are reset, too.

  • setPage

    Changes the active page or pages.


    • pageOrPages: 1-based integer or array thereof (required)

      Provide a number to display a single page or an array of numbers to display multiple pages at once. If the number (or any of the numbers in the array) is smaller than 1 or greater than the number of pages in the document, the command is ignored.

    Returns an array of the current pages or false if pageOrPages is invalid.

  • setLanguage

    Changes the frontend language and loads the associated translation. This function returns a Promise.


    • language: string, default 'en'

      The language to load. A JSON file containing the translations for this language must be present in public/translations. Untranslated strings are displayed in English.

  • setView

    Changes the active view (panel).


    • name: string (required)

      The view’s name; 'export', 'fulltext', 'help', 'info', 'scan', 'thumbnails', 'toc', or an empty string (same as 'scan').

  • toggleDoublePage

    Switches from single to double page (“book view”) and vice versa.


    • forced: boolean, default false

      Double page is forced on (true) or off (false).

  • toggleFullscreen

    Toggles fullscreen mode. For security reasons, most browsers require a user interaction to enter fullscreen mode; a button calling this function via onclick works, but trying to do so automatically does probably not.


    • forced: boolean, default false

      Fullscreen is forced on (true) or off (false).

OpenSeadragon API

The viewer object exposes the full OpenSeadragon API. If you want to control the scan view programmatically, the methods of viewer.viewport are probably of interest.

Build Setup

You need to have Node.js v12.0 or above, npm v5.5.1 or above (usually comes with Node.js) and git installed.

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run in development mode with hot reload on localhost:8080:

npm run serve

Build for production with minification:

npm run build

The production build will be stored in dist.

Running Tests

Run all tests: npm test Run unit tests: npm run unit Run end-to-end tests: npm run e2e

Göttingen State and University Library


TIFY is a slim and mobile-friendly IIIF document viewer.







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  • Vue 51.2%
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