- Download oci script:
wget https://github.com/patrick-paludo/oci-cli/releases/download/v1.0.0/oci
- Move the oci script to /usr/local/bin/oci (or wherever you want):
sudo mv oci /usr/local/bin/oci
- Grant execution permission:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/oci
- Test the script (the container image will be downloaded in the first run):
oci --version
The output should be the OCI CLI version
- Create .oci directory and place your private key in it:
mkdir ~/.oci && mv path_to_private_key ~/.oci
- Run the OCI CLI setup:
oci setup config
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/patrick-paludo/oci-cli.git
- Enter oci-cli directory and run the build command:
cd oci-cli && docker build -t oci-cli .
- Continue from step 2 of Usage